O Dduw ein craig a'n noddfa

O Dduw, ein craig a'n noddfa,
  Rho nawdd i'r gwan a'r tlawd
Er mwyn dy annwyl Iesu
  A anwyd inni'n Frawd;
Darostwng bob gormeswr
  Sy'n mathru hawliau dyn,
Ac achub y trueiniaid
  A grewyd ar dy lun.

Creawdwr cyrrau'r ddaear,
  Tad holl genhedloedd byd,
Cymoda di â'th gariad
  Deyrnasoedd dyn ynghyd;
Gwasgara'r rhai rhyfelgar
  Sy'n hoffi trin y cledd,
A boed i fwyn frawdgarwch
  Gyfannu'r byd mewn hedd.

O Dduw, fy Ngheidwad innau,
  Rho d'Ysbryd imi nawr
Yn ysbryd o wasanaeth
  Yng ngrym dy gariad mawr;
Ti feddyg clwyfau dynion,
  Rho imi ddwyn y groes,
A llwyr gysegru 'mywyd
  I leddfu dynol loes.
1920 D Miall Edwards 1873-1941

Tôn [7676D]:
    Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)
    Tal-y-llyn (alaw Gymreig)

O God, our rock and our refuge,
  Give protection to the weak and the poor
For the sake of dear Jesus
  Who was born as a Brother to us;
Subdue every oppressor
  Who is trampling the rights of man,
And save the wretches
  Created in thy image.

Creator of the corners of the world,
  Father of all the nations of the world,
Reconcile with thy love
  The kingdoms of man together;
Scatter the rebellious ones
  Who love the battle of the sword,
And let gentle brotherhood
  Inhabit the world in peace.

O God, my own Saviour,
  Give thy Spirit to me now
As a spirit of servie
  In the force of thy great love;
Thou physician of human illnesses,
  Grant me to carry the cross,
And completely consecrate my life
  To alleviate human anguish.

tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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