(Dewi Sant) O! Dduw pob gras a Thad pob dawn I Ti rhown ddiolch calon lawn: Tydi a rhoddaist inni'n rhad Ein Dewi Sant yn nawdd i'n gwlad; Pa Dduw sy'n darpar fel Tydi Pob dawn yn rhad er budd i ni? (Yr Esgob William Morgan) Mae Gair y Bywyd yn ein hiaith: I Ti bo'r clod - Ti biau'r gwaith; A sant dy law o hyd sy'n fyw Yng nghalon gwlad gan deulu Duw; Pa Dduw, &c. (Edmwnd Prys) Emynau mawl Tŷ Isräel Ar allor gwlad sy'n ddiliau mêl; Trwy waith dy was mae'r "Salmau Cân" Yn ffrwd o fawl yng Nghymru lân; Pa Dduw, &c. (Y Ficer Prichard) Mewn tywyll nos caed "Cannwyll" wiw Yn olau claer mewn anial gwyw; Mae'i gwawl yn gwenu yn ein plith, Yn llawn o foes, yn drwm o wlith; Pa Dduw, &c. Mae ysbryd Dewi heddiw'n fyw I gadw'n gwlad ar lwybrau Duw; O! Dduw ein Dewi, tyrd yn nes I danio'n gwlad â'r dwyfol wres; Pa Dduw, &c.Hugh Lunt (Gwynodl) 1872-1941 Tôn [88.88.88]: St Catherine (H F Hemy / J G Walton) |
(Saint David) O God of every grace and Father of every gift To Thee we give the thanks of a full heart: Thou who gavest to us graciously Our Saint David as patron for our land; What God is a provider like Thee Of every gift freely as a benefit for us? (Bishop William Morgan) The Word of Life is in our language: To Thee be the acclaim - Thine is the work; And the saint of thy hand who still lives In the heart of the land by the family of God; What God etc. (Edmund Price) The hymns of praise of the House of Israel On the land's altar are combs of honey; Through the work of thy servant the "Psalms of Song" are A stream of praise in holy Wales; What God etc. (The Vicar Prichard) In the darkness of night a worthy "candle" was got As a clear light in a wizened desert; His light is smiling amongst us, Full of morals, heavy with dew, What God etc. The spirit of David today is alive To keep our land on the paths of God; O God of our David, come near To kindle our land with the divine warmth! What God, &c.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |