O Dduw'r santeiddrwydd pwy a fydd?

(Salm XV)
O Dduw'r santeiddrwydd! pwy a fydd
  O fewn dy ddedwydd annedd:
Neu, pwy a drig i'th fynydd draw,
  Dros byth gerllaw d'orsedd?

Yr hwn a rodia'n berffaith dda,
  Yr hwn a wna gyfiawnder;
Yr hwn ni ddywed ond y gwîr,
  A drîg ar dîr uchelder.

Yr hwn sy gywir, ac ni wna
  Ddim ond o'r da bwygilydd;
Ni chynnwys chwaith y rhai a rôn'
  I'w cymdogion g'wilydd.

Yr hwn sydd isel yn ei fryd,
  Yn caru'i gyd-Grist'nogion;
Yr hwn sy'n ofni'r Arglwydd Dduw,
  Ac sydd yn byw yn ffyddlon;

Yr hwn ni wna cham na thrais,

  Ond gwrendy lais y gwirion;

Hwn ydy'r dyn fydd byw dros byth,

  Fe gaiff y ddilyth goron.

            - - - - -

O Dduw'r santeiddrwydd! pwy a fydd
  O fewn dy ddedwydd annedd;
Neu pwy a ddring i'th fynydd draw
  I aros gerllaw d'orsedd?

Y dyn sy'n rhodio'th lwybrau gwiw,
  A'i fryd ar fyw yn gyfion;
Sy'n credu dy Addewid bur
  Gan wneuthur dy orch'mynion.

Ei law, ni lygra gwobrau aur,

  Y gwan ni chair e'n wasgu;

Hwn ydyw'r dyn dros byth ga fyw,

  A chyda Duw deyrnasu.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Dywaid/Dywed i mi pa ddyn a drig

(Psalm 15)
O God of holiness, who shall be
  Within thy happy residence:
Or, who shall dwell in thy mountain yonder,
  Forever near thy throne?

He who walks perfectly well,
  He who fulfills righteousness;
He who tells only the truth,
  Shall dwell upon the land of height.

He who is true, and does not do
  Anything but good whatsoever;
Nor permits either those who give
  To their neighbours shame.

He who is lowly in his mind,
  Loving his fellow Christans;
He who fear the Lord God,
  And who is loving faithfully;

He who commits no wrong or violence,

  But listens to the voice of the innocent;

He is the man who will live forever,

  He will get the unfailing crown.

                 - - - - -

O God of holiness, who shall be
  Within thy happy residence:
Or who shall climb to thy mountain yonder
  To stay near thy throne?

The man who walks thy worthy paths,
  With his mind on living righteously;
Who believes thy pure promise
  While doing thy commands.

His hand, no gifts of gold shall corrupt,

  The weak shall not be pressed by him;

He is the man who shall get to live forever,

  And with God to reign.

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
1 Lord, who's the happy man that may
    to thy blest courts repair?
  Not, stranger-like, to visit them,
    but to inhabit there?

2 'Tis he, whose ev'ry thought and deed
    by rules of virtue moves;
  Whose gen'rous tongue disdains to speak
    the thing his heart disproves.

3 Who never did a slander forge
    his neighbour's fame to wound;
  Nor hearken to a false report,
    by malice whispered round.

4 Who vice, in all its pomp and pow'r,
    can treat with just neglect;
  And piety, thought clothed in rags,
    religiously respect.

6 Whose soul in usury disdains
    his treasure to employ;
  Who no rewards can ever bribe
    the guiltless to destroy.

7 The man, who by this steady course
    has happiness insured,
  When earth's foundation shakes,
      shall stand,
    by Providence secured.

                 - - - - -

1 Lord, who's the happy man that may
    to thy blest courts repair?
  Not, stranger-like, to visit them,
    but to inhabit there?

2 'Tis he, whose ev'ry thought and deed
    by rules of virtue moves;
  Whose gen'rous tongue disdains to speak
    the thing his heart disproves.

6 Whose soul in usury disdains
    his treasure to employ;
  Who no rewards can ever bribe
    the guiltless to destroy.

7 The man, who by this steady course
    has happiness insured,
  When earth's foundation shakes,
      shall stand,
    by Providence secured.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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