O Dduw trugarog rhoddaist ras

(Dydd Sant Iago)
O! Dduw trugarog, rhoddaist ras
  I'th ffyddlon was, Sant Iago,
I adaw oll, a'i geraint cu,
  Pan alwodd Iesu arno.

Heb amau dim,
    dilynai'n glau,
  Gan ufuddhau yn ebrwydd
I rasol rym trugarog lais
  A dwyfol gais ei Arglwydd.

O! nertha ninnau, o lawn fryd,
  I herio'r byd a'i wadu,
A phopeth arall is y nen,
  Yn llawen er mwyn Iesu.

O! gwna ni'n barod, trwy ein hoes,
  Er pwysau'r groes,
      i'th ddilyn;
Ac ar ein taith ein
    nerth a'n cân
  Fyth fo dy lân orchymyn.
William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

(Saint James's Day)
O merciful God, thou gavest grace
  To thy faithful servant, Saint James,
To leave all, and his dear loved ones,
  When Jesus called upon him.

Without doubting at all,
    he would follow readily,
  Obeying quickly
The gracious force of the merciful voice
  And divine request of his Lord.

O strengthen us too, from a full intent,
  To challenge the world and disown it,
And everything else under heaven,
  Joyfully for the sake of Jesus.

O make us ready throughout our life,
  Despite the weight of the cross,
      to follow thee;
And on our journey our
    strength and our song
  Forever be thy holy commandment.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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