O Dduw y cariad, Frenin hedd, Pâr di i'r gwledydd weinio'r cledd; Cynddaredd pobloedd atal di, Rho hedd, O Dduw, rho hedd i ni. O cofia dy weithredoedd gynt, Y tystiai'n tadau am eu hynt; Na chofia'n beiau mawr, di-ri', Rho hedd, O Dduw, rho hedd i ni. Ein gobaith ydwyt ti, ein Duw, Dy air yw ein diddanwch gwiw; Gwrandewast ti erioed ein cri, Rho hedd, O Dduw, rho hedd i ni. Mae'r saint a'r engyl yn gytûn O gylch dy orsedd di dy hun; O rhwym ni oll â'th gariad di, Rho hedd, O Dduw, rho hedd i ni.David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948
Tonau [MH 8888]: |
O God of love, King of peace, Cause thou the lands to sheathe the sword; The wrath of peoples stop thou, Give peace, O God, give peace to us. O remember thy former deeds, That our fathers witnessed on their course; Remember not our great, unnumbered faults, Give peace, O God, give peace to us. Our hope art thou, our God, Thy word is our worthy delight; Thou didst always listen to our cry, Give peace, O God, give peace to us. The saints and the angels are in agreement Around thine own throne; O bind us all with thy love, Give peace, O God, give peace to us.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |
O God of love, O King of peace, Make wars throughout the world to cease; The wrath of sinful men restrain, Give peace, O God, give peace again! Remember, Lord, Thy works of old, The wonders that our fathers told; Remember not our sin's dark stain, Give peace, O God, give peace again! Whom shall we trust but Thee, O Lord? Where rest but on Thy faithful Word? None ever called on Thee in vain, Give peace, O God, give peace again! Where saints and angels dwell above, All hearts are knit in holy love; O bind us in that heavenly chain! Give peace, O God, give peace again!1861 Henry W Baker 1821–77
Tunes [LM 8888]: |