O ddydd i ddydd y daw

("Datguddia fy Llygaid")
O ddydd i ddydd y daw
  Dy drugareddau rhad,
Heb imi weld y ddwyfol law,
  Na chariad nefol Dad.

Rho Di ddoethineb im,
  I olrhain, tra fwyf byw,
Y llewyrchiadau mawr eu grym
  Sy'n arwain dynol-ryw.

Gad imi weld o hyd,
  Trwy ragluniaethau'r llawr,
Dy fod yn fwy na llond y byd
  A thragwyddoldeb mawr.

A thrwy anfeidrol loes
  A haeddiant Mab y Dyn,
Gad imi gael, bob awr o'm hoes,
  Y cymod mawr ei hun.
John Hughes 1850-1932

Tôn [MB 6686]:
St George (H J Gauntlett 1805-1876)

("Uncover my Eyes" - Psalm 119:18)
From day to day come
  Thy free mercies,
Without my seeing the divine hand,
  Nor the love of a heavenly Father.

Give Thy wisdom to me,
  To trace, while I live,
The radiances of great force
  Which are leading humankind.

Let me see always,
  Through the providences of earth,
That thou art more than the world's fulness
  And a great eternity.

And through the immeasurable throes
  And the merit of the Son of Man,
Let me have, every hour of my life,
  The great reconciliation itself.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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