O Ddyfnder diwaelod cyfammod a threfn

(O ddyfnder!)
O Ddyfnder diwaelod cyfammod a threfn!
Yr arfaeth dragwyddol sydd
    ddyfnder drachefn!
  Rhagoddef, rhagweled
      mai syrthio wnai dyn,
  Ac ethol Gwaredwr
      tragwyddol ei hun!

O ddyfnder! pwy fesur
    ddoethineb y ne'?
Cyfammod tragwyddol,
    ni syflir o'i le:
  Gosodwyd y sylfaen -
      mor gadarn yw'r graig!
  Ti, Arglwydd y lluoedd,
      a dd'rysodd y ddraig.
Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tonau []:
Joanna (alaw Gymreig)
Wareham (William Knapp 1798-1868)
  Y Rhosyn Olaf (<1884)

(O the depths!)
O the depths of covenant and providence!
The eternal scheme which is
    a depth once again!
  Suffering beforehand, foreseeing
      that man would fall,
  And electing an eternal
      Deliverer himself!

O depths! who measures
    the wisdom of heaven?
An eternal covenant,
    not to be shifted from its place:
  The foundation was laid -
      how firm is the rock!
  Thou, Lord of the hosts,
      hast confounded the dragon.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(Depth of Wisdom)
How deep in foundation the covenant of God!
How wise is the counsel
    of my blessed Lord.
  Before the creation,
      the fall was foreseen,
  And salvation prepared
      for sinners unclean.

Unfathomable deep is
    the wisdom of heaven;
To the council eternal
    no date can be given.
  Like rocks in the ocean,
      it never will shake,
  He'll never, no, never,
      his promise forsake.
Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune []: Y Rhosyn Olaf (<1884)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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