O ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth

1,2;(3a).  1,3b.
O! ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth,
  Dirgelwch mawr duwioldeb yw,
Duw y duwiau wedi ymddangos
  Y'nghnawd a natur dynolryw:
Dyma'r Person a ddioddefodd
  Yn ein lle digofaint llawn,
Nes i gyfiawnder weiddi, Gollwng
  Ef yn rhydd, mi gefais iawn.

Dyma'r Brawd a anwyd ini;
  Erbyn c'ledi a phob clwy';
Ffyddlawn ydyw, llawn tosturi,
  Haeddai gael ei foli'n fwy:
Rhyddhâwr caethion, Meddyg cleifion,
  Ffordd i Sîon union yw;
Ffynnon loyw, bywyd meirw,
  Arch i gadw dyn yw Duw.

Ddedwydd fydd tragwyddol orffwys
  O bob llafur yn y man,
Yng nghanol môr o ryfeddodau,
  Heb un gwaelod byth na glan:
Caffael mwy fynediad helaeth
  I drigfannau Tri yn Un;
Dwr i nofio heb fynd trwyddo,
  Dyn yn Dduw, a Duw yn ddyn.

[O! ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
   Oddi wrth fy llafur yn fy rhan,
 Ynghanol môr o ryfeddodau
   Heb weled terfyn byth, na glan;
 Mynediad helaeth byth i bara
   I fewn trigfannau Tri yn Un;
 Dwr i'w nofio heb fynd trwyddo,
   Dyn yn Dduw, a Duw yn ddyn.]

             - - - - -

O! ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth,
  Dirgelwch mawr duwioldeb yw;
Duw y duwiau wedi ymddangos
  Yn ngwael natur dynolryw:
Dyma'r Person a ddyoddefodd
  Yn ein lle, ddigofaint llawn,
A chyfiawnder waeddodd "Gollwng
  Ef yn rhydd, mi gefais Iawn."

Dyma babell y cyfarfod,
  Dyma gymmod yn y gwaed,
Dyma noddfa i lofruddion,
  Dyma i gleifion Feddyg rhad;
Dyma fan yn ymyl Duwdod
  I bechadur wneyd ei nyth,
A chyfiawnder pur y nefoedd
  Arno'n siriol wenu byth.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]:
Dusseldorf (F Mendelssohn / Ieuan Gwyllt)
Welsh (<1835)

  (Bydd) melys gofio y cyfammod
  Dedwydd fydd tragwyddol orphwys
  Dyma babell y cyfarfod
  Dyma Frawd a anwyd inni
  Fy enaid gwel y fan gorweddodd

Oh depths of salvation!
  It is the great mystery of godliness,
The God of the gods having appeared
  In the flesh and nature of humankind!
Here is the person who has suffered
  In our place full wrath,
Until righteousness shouts "Release
  Him freely, I have received satisfaction."

Here is a Brother who was born to us
  Against hardship and every ailment;
Faithful is he, full of mercy
  Worthy of being praised more:
Freer of captives, Physician of the sick,
  A direct way to Zion he is;
A bright spring, life of the dead,
  An ark to save man is God.

Happy will be eternal rest
  From all labour soon,
Among a sea of wonders,
  Without any bottom ever nor shore:
To get evermore plenteous access
  To the dwellings of the Three in One;
Water to swim in that is untraversed,
  Man in God, and God in man.

[Oh happy hour of eternal rest
   From my labour as my portion,
 Among a sea of wonders
   Without seeing an end ever, nor shore;
 An ever-plenteous access to abide
   Within the dwellings of the Three in One;
 Water to swim in that is untraversed,
   Man in God, and God in man.]

             - - - - -

O the depths of salvation,
  The great secret of godliness it is;
The God of gods has appeared
  In the base nature of humankind:
Here is the Person who suffered
  In our place, full wrath,
And righteousness which shouted "Set
  Him free, I received Satisfaction."

Here is the tent of meeting,
  Here is reconciliation in the blood,
Here is a refuge for man-slayers,
  Here for the sick a free Physician;
Here is a place at the side of Godhead
  For a sinner to make his nest,
And the pure righteousness of heaven
  Upon us cheerfully smiling forever.
tr. 2011,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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