O deffro f'enaid can yn awr

(Ei Drugared ef)
O deffro f'enaid, can yn awr
Yn llon i enw'th
    Geidwad mawr;
  Dyrchafa'th lais
      hyd entrych nef,
  Mor rhad yw ei drugaredd ef!

Efe a'm gwelodd yn fy mriw,
A dwedodd: "yn dy waed
    bydd fyw";
  Llawn o dosturi oedd ei lef,
  Mor fawr yw ei drugaredd ef!

Pan gwyd y 'storm,
    pan ddua'r nen,
Pan dora'r daran
    uwch fy mhen,
  Y mae i mi yn noddfa gref,
  Mor dda yw ei drugaredd ef!

I ben daw'm gyrfa yn y man,
Boed fy anadliad olaf, gwan,
  O ymchwydd
      yr Iorddonen gref,
  Yn foliant i'r drugaredd ef.

'Rol cyrhaedd o'm cadwynau'n rhydd
I hyfryd diroedd
    gwlad y dydd,
  Mi ganaf nes dadseinia'r Nef,
  Byth, byth am ei drugaredd ef.
cyf. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tôn [LM 8888]: Grace Church (Ignaz Pleyel 1757-1831)

(His Mercy)
O wake my soul, sing now
Cheefully to the name
    of thy great Saviour;
  Raise thy voice
      to the vault of heaven,
  How free is his mercy!

It is he who saw me in my wound,
And said: "In thy blood
    thou shalt live";
  Full of mercy was his cry,
  How great is his mercy!

When the storm arises,
    when the sky blackens,
When the thunder breaks
    over my head,
  I have a strong refuge,
  How good is his mercy!

To an end shall come my course soon,
Let my last, weak breath be
  From the swelling
      of the strong Jordan,
  In praise to his mercy.

After reaching, free from my chains,
To the delightful lands
    of the country of day,
  I shall sing until Heaven resounds,
  Forever and ever about his mercy.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(His Loving-Kindness)
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays,
And sing thy great
    Redeemer's praise;
  He justly claims
      a song from thee;
  His loving-kindness, oh, how free!

He saw me ruin'd in the fall,
Yet loved me,
    notwithstanding all;
  He saved me from my lost estate;
  His loving-kindness, oh, how great!

When trouble,
    like a gloomy cloud,
Has gather'd thick,
    and thunder'd loud,
  He near my soul has always stood;
  His loving-kindness, oh, how good!

Often I feel my sinful heart
Prone from my Saviour to depart,
  But though I oft
      have Him forgot,
  His loving-kindness changes not.

Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale,
Soon all my mortal
    powers must fail;
  Oh, may my last expiring breath
  His loving-kindness sing in death!
Samuel Medley 1738-99
Lady Huntingdon's Chapel Collection 1782

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Grace Church (Ignaz Pleyel 1757-1831)
Hebron (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Loving-Kindness (William Caldwell)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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