O deuwch wylwch gyda mi

O come and mourn with me awhile

(Dydd Gwener y Groglith)
O deuwch, wylwch gyda mi,
  At ystlys Iesu
      dan ei loes;
O, awn dan wylo â chwerw gri,
  Mae Crist ein Harglwydd ar y groes.

Pa le mae'r dagrau droso'n awr,
  Dan wawd Iuddewon
      drwg eu moes!
Mor fud, yng nghrog rhwng nef a llawr,
  Yw Crist ein Harglwydd ar y groes.

Hoeliedig ddwylaw yw a thraed,
  Ei syched llosg
      ddyfnhâ ei loes -
Ei lygaid balant yn ei waed;
  Mae Crist ein Harglwydd ar y groes.

Saith waith llefarodd -
    weith-air cu -
  A dystaw deir-awr
      ing a loes
Ei dewi, 'n eiriol drosom fu;
  Mae Crist ein Harglwydd ar y groes.

O dan ei groes, mewn
    ffydd nesäwn,
  Nes bo i'r gwaed,
      o'i ystlys roes,
Arnom ddyferu'n dyner iawn -
  Gwaed Crist ein
      Harglwydd ar y groes.

Drylliedig galon; dagrau'n lli'
  Gawn, ond eu ceisio;
      felly moes
I mi gan wylo'th garu Di
  Oddefaist drosom ar y groes.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tôn [MH 8888]: St Cross (J B Dykes 1823-76)

  O dewch galarwch gyda mi
  O Dewch gan wylo gyda mi

(Good Friday)
O come ye, weep with me,
  To the side of Jesus
      under his anguish;
O let us go weeping with a bitter cry,
  Christ our Lord is on the cross.

Where are tears for him now,
  Under the scorn of Jews
      of evil morals!
So mute, hanging between heaven and earth,
  Is Christ our Lord on the cross.

Nailed are his hands and feet,
  His burning thirst
      deepens his anguish, -
His eyes grow weak in his blood;
  Christ our Lord on the cross.

Seven times he cried out -
    seven dear words -
  And three silent hours
      of anguish and pain
His silence, interceding for us he was;
  Christ our Lord on the cross.

Under his cross, in faith
    less us draw near,
  Until the blood, which
      came from his side,
For us dripped very tenderly -
  The blood of Christ our
      Lord on the cross.

A broken heart; tears as a flood
  I would have, but seeking them;
      then grant
Me while weeping to love Thee
  Thou didst suffer for us on the cross.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
O come and mourn with me awhile;
  And tarry here
      the cross beside;
O come, together let us mourn;
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

Have we no tears to shed for Him,
  While soldiers scoff
      and foes deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs;
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

How fast His hands and feet are nailed;
  His blessed tongue
      with thirst is tied,
His failing eyes are blind with blood:
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

Seven times He spoke,
    seven words of love;
  And all three hours
      His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of men;
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

Come, let us stand
    beneath the cross;
  So may the blood
      from out His side
Fall gently on us drop by drop;
  Jesus, our Lord,
      is crucified.

A broken heart, a fount of tears,
  Ask, and they will not be denied;
A broken heart
    love's cradle is:
  Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.
Frederick William Faber 1814-63

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Das Leiden des Herrn (German melody)
St Cross (John B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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