O! dewch i'r dyfroedd, dyma'r dydd - Yr Arglwydd sydd yn galw! Tragwyddol ras yr Arglwydd Iôr Sydd fel y môr yn llanw. Heb werth nac arian, dewch yn awr, Mae golud mawr trugaredd Â'i ŵyneb ar yr euog rai - Maddeuant, ac ymgeledd. O! dewch a phrynwch win a llaeth, Mae yma faeth rhagorol; Cewch loyw win, heb aur na gwerth, Mae ynddo nerth tragwyddol. [O dewch a phrynwch win a llaeth, Wel dyma luniaeth nefol; Prynwch heb arian a heb werth, Mae ynddynt nerth tragwyddol.] Bwytewch, mae'r aberth wedi ei ladd, Y ddeddf a ga'dd anrhydedd; Ac i bechadur euog, gwael, Mae modd i gael ymgeledd. Mae'r wledd yn barod, O! bwytewch, A llawenhewch yn Seion! Tragwyddol hedd i blant y llwch - O! yfwch ei melusion! yfwch ei melusion :: profwch ei bendithion
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
Oh come to the waters, here is the day - The Lord is calling! The eternal grace of the Sovreign Lord Is like the sea flowing. Without price or money, come now, There is great wealth of mercy With its face towards the guilty ones - Forgivenss, and succour. Oh come and buy wine and milk, Here is excellent provision; Get clear wine, without gold or price, There is in it eternal strength. [Oh come and buy wine and milk, See, here is heavenly sustenance; Buy without money and without price, There is in them eternal strength.] Eat, the sacrifice has been killed, The law has been honoured; And for the abject, guilty sinner, There is a means to get succour. The feast is ready, oh eat, And rejoice in Zion! Eternal peace for the children of the dust - Oh drinks its sweets! drink its sweets :: taste its blessings tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion |
Come to the waters while you may, The Lord to-day is calling; The grace of God's eternal love Is from above e'er flowing. Take this grace without price or fee; For truth this sea is boundless; To all who pray in pain and grief, He'll give relief that's endless. Oh, come now, buy; here's milk and wine; This is divine salvation: Come to the feast now, angels say, In this day of redemption. [Oh, come now, buy; here's milk and wine; This is divine salvation: Come to the feast now, angels say, In this day of redemption.] Come now, the sacrifice is slain; Let all proclaim, we're feasting On the Lamb of God; feast for me; Now I'm free everlasting. tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884 Tune [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98) |