O dychwel Arglwydd mawr

  O dychwel, Arglwydd mawr,
    Mae'r oriau yn faith eu hŷd,
  I'th drigfan dere lawr,
    Lle dyrus iawn yw'r byd;
A maglau drwg plethedig sy
Heb rif rhyngof
      a'r Ganaan fry.
  Rhyw drydar wyf heb rym,
    Och'neidio a llwrfhau;
  'Dwy'n abl dala dim
    O bwys fy mhoen a'm gwae;
O dere'n glau f'anwylyd pur,
Rho ffrwd o'th hedd
      mewn anial dir.

  'Dyw mywyd hebddot ti,
    Pe pob peth arall gawn,
  Ond cystudd i myfi
    O foreu hyd brydnawn;
Dychwel fy Nuw i'm calon syth,
A gwna hi'n deml i ti byth.

  Darfydded pob rhyw chwant,
    Ond chwant i dy fwynhau;
  Pob cariad ffoed i bant,
    Ond cariad i barhau;
Darfydded swn a therfysg byd,
Bydd di yn gyfan i mi ei gyd.

  Bydd di yn ymborth pur
    I'm henaid ddydd a nôs,
  Fy holl ddyddanwch gwir
    Fo'n tarddu o waed y gro's,
Dystewi wnaf, mae trysor mwy
Nâg fedd y byd mewn marol glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [666688]: Carmarthen New (<1829)

Bydd di yn ymborth pur
Disgleiria fore wawr
Mae caru Mhrynwr mawr
Yr unig noddfa bur

  O return, great Lord,
    The hours are long,
  To thy residence come down,
    A very troublesome place is the world;
And evil tangled snares are
Without number between me
      and the Canaan above.

  Some noise I am without strength,
    Groaning and losing heart;
  I am not able to pay anything
    Of the weight of my pain and my woe;
O come quickly my pure beloved,
Give a stream of thy peace
      in a desert land.

  My life is nothing without thee,
    If I had everything else,
  Only affliction for me
    From morning until evening;
Return my God to my upright heart,
And make it a temple for thee forever.

  Let every kind of desire die away,
    But the desire to enjoy thee;
  Let every love flee away,
    But the love to endure;
Let the world's noise and tumult fade away,
Be thou altogether everything to me.

  Be thou a pure succour
    To my soul day and night,
  May my whole true comfort
    Be issuing from the blood of the cross,
Fall silent I shall, it is a great treasure
That the world possesses in a mortal wound.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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