O dyma'r Archoffeiriad

(Offeiriadaeth Crist)
O dyma'r Archoffeiriad
  A'r gwerthfawroca'n bod,
Na welwyd archoffeiriad,
  Cyffelyb iddo erioed;
A'r fath anfeidrol rinwedd,
  A haeddiant ëang maith,
Yn ei sancteiddiaf Berson,
  A'i bur haeddiannol waith.

Ac etto rhaid oedd rhoddi
  Pob defnyn bach o waed,
Cyn gallai caethion pechod
  Gael profi gwir rhyddhâd;
Y fath yw'n beiau 'sgeler,
  Nid gwisgo coron ddrain,
A chwysu'r gwaed yn unig,
  A all'sai faddeu rhai'n.

Ond rhaid oedd myn'd i'r croesbren,
  A dyoddef angeu du,
Drwy roddi ei hun yn aberth
  Ar fynydd Calfari;
A dysgyn at y meirw,
  A gorwedd yn y bedd,
Tros ran o dri diwrnod,
  Cyn prynu imi hedd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676D]: Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

gwelir: Fe safai'n Harchoffeiriad

(The Priesthood of Christ)
O here is the High Priest
  And the most precious existing,
No high priest has ever
  Been seen to compare with him;
With the kind of immeasurable virtue,
  And merit of wide extent,
In his most holy Person,
  And his pure meritorious work.

And yet there was need to give
  Every little drop of blood,
Before the captives of sin could
  Get to experience true freedom;
The kind are our wicked sins,
  That wearing a crown of thorns,
And sweating blood alone,
  Cannot forgive.

But there was need to go to the cross,
  And suffer black death,
Through giving himself as a sacrifice
  On the mount of Calvary;
And descend to the dead,
  And lie in the grave,
For a portion of three days,
  Before purchasing for me peace.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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