O f'enaid mawl y bywiol Dduw

Thus saith the first the great command

(Salm XIII - Bendithio Duw am ei ddaioni)
O f'enaid, mawl y bywiol Dduw,
A'th holl b'werau, teilwng yw;
  Meddyliau gwibiog galw i dref,
  Gwaith sanctaidd yw 'i addoli ef.

Mae'n gwel'd y gorthrymdig rai,
A mynych yn eu hesmwythau:
  Ond ei gyfiawnder allan dyd,
  Yn fwy pan ddel i farnu'r byd.

Ei nerth trwy Moses eglurh'odd,
I Israel ei orch'mynion rhodd;
  Ond trwy ei Fab anfonodd Duw,
  Ei wir a'i ras i ddynol ryw.

Doed holl genhedloedd daear las,
I adde 'i nerth a moli ei ras;
  Yr Ieuddew a'r cenhedlig ddyn,
  A phawb i addoli Duw'n gyttun.
cyf. Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Psalm 103 - Blessing God for his goodness)
O my soul, praise the living God,
With all thy powers, worthy is he;
  Flitting thoughts call to home,
  A holy work it is to worship him.

He is seeing the afflicted ones,
And repeatedly is soothing them:
  But his righteousness he will give,
  More when he comes to judge the world.

His strength through Moses he made clear,
To Israel his commands he gave;
  But through his Son God sent,
  His truth and his grace to human kind.

Let all the nations of blue-green earth come,
To confess his strength and praise his grace;
  The Jew and the gentile man,
  And all to worship God together.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(Love to God and our neighbour, Matt. 22.37-40.)
Thus saith the first, the great command,
  "Let all thy inward powers unite
To love thy Maker and thy God,
  With utmost vigour and delight."

"Then shall thy neighbour next in place
  Share thine affections and esteem,
And let thy kindness to thyself
  Measure and rule thy love to him."

This is the sense that Moses spoke,
  This did the prophets preach and prove,
For want of this the law is broke,
  And the whole law's fulfill'd by love.

But O! how base our passions are!
  How cold our charity and zeal!
Lord, fill our souls with heavenly fire,
  Or we shall ne'er perform thy will.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [MH 8888]: Germany (L van Beethoven / W Gardiner)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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