O faint Ei gariad Ef

("Iddo Ef" - Rhan II)
O! faint Ei gariad Ef!
Nis gall holl ddoniau'r nef
  Ei dreiddio trwy:
Mae hyn i mi'n beth sỳn:
I riddfan pen y bryn
Droi'n gân i mi fel hyn:
  Hosanna mwy!

Pan ddelo'r plant ynghyd
O bedwar cẁr y byd,
  I'w man-gre hwy;
Gobeithiaf yn ddi-lŷth
Gael telyn yn eu plith,
I ganu, heb gwŷno byth,
  Hosanna mwy!

         - - - - -

O faint Ei gariad Ef!
Nis gall holl ddoniau'r nef
  Ei dreiddio drwy.
Mae hyn i mi'n beth syn,
I ruddfan pen y bryn
Droi'n gân i mi fel hyn:
  Hosanna mwy.

Pan ddelo'r plant ynghyd
O bedwar rhan y byd
  Uwch cyrraedd clwy.
Dolefant "Iddo Ef",
Gan ddyblu'u hanthem gref,
Nes dadsain muriau'r nef,
  Hosanna mwy.

Mae hiraeth yn fy mryd,
Am hedfan uwch y byd,
  I'w mangre hwy.
Tan obaith yn ddilyth,
Cael telyn yn eu plith,
I ganu heb gwyno byth,
  Hosanna mwy.

Tra bwyf ar riwiau serth,
Preswylydd mawr y berth,
  Rho'th gwmni trwy.
Mae cofio am y loes,
Dan arw gur y groes,
Yn rhyw feluso f'oes,
  Hosanna mwy.

Na ddigied neb o'r plant,
Am i mi ganu ar dant
  O'u telyn hwy:
Myfyrio'r tywydd du
Fu ar ein Iesu cu,
A droes fy nghan mor hy',
  Hosanna mwy!
John Blackwell (Alun) 1797–1840

Tonau [664.666.4]:
    Malvern (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
    Moscow (Felice de Giardini 1716-96)

gwelir: Rhan I - 'Does destyn gwiw i'm cân

("Unto Him" - Part 2)
O how great is His love!
All the gifts of heaven cannot
  Penetrate it thoroughly:
To me this is something surprising:
For the groaning of the top of the hill
To turn into song for me like this:
  Hosanna evermore!

When the children come together
From the four corners of the world,
  To their dwelling-place;
I hope sincerely
To get a harp among them,
To sing, without ever complaining,
  Hosanna evermore!

              - - - - -

O the extent of His love!
Not all the gifts of heaven can
  Penetrate it through.
This is to me something stunning,
For the groans of the summit of the hill
To turn to song for me thus:
  Hosanna evermore.

When the children come together
From the four parts of the world
  Above the reach of hearing.
They shall cry out "Unto Him",
While doubling their strong anthem,
Until the walls of heaven resound,
  Hosanna evermore.

There is longing in my mind,
To fly above the world,
  To their place.
While hoping unfailingly,
To get a harp amongst them,
To play without ever complaining,
  Hosanna evermore.

While I am on steep hills,
Great Dweller in the bush,
  Grant thy company throughout.
Remembering about the anguish,
Under the rough wounding of the cross,
Is somewhat sweetening my lifespan,
  Hosanna evermore.

Let none of the children be angry,
That I play on a string
  Of their harp:
Studying the black weather
That was upon our dear Jesus,
Has turned my song so bold,
  Hosanna evermore.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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