O feiau mawr 'beth all'sech fwy?

(Angeu Crist)
O feiau mawr, 'beth all'sech fwy
Na rhoddi i Frenin nefoedd glwy?
  Lladdasoch Ef; fe drôdd y rhôd,
  Mae dydd eich dial
      chwithau'n d'od.

Dirgelwch o anfeidrol ryw
I'm Iesu farw, ac Yntau'n Dduw!
  Mae'n bleser gan angylion nef
  Fyfyrio ar Ei angeu Ef.

Dyma lle bydd fy nhrigfan i,
O fewn i glwyau 'Mhrynwr cu;
  Y màn nas tỳr euogrwydd trwy,
  Y màn nas beiddia Satan mwy.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Ceredigion (alaw Ellmynig)
Leipsic (G Neumark / J S Bach)

gwelir: Wrth edrych Iesu ar dy grôes

(The death of Christ)
O great faults, what could ye more
Than give to the King of heaven a wound?
  Ye slew Him; the sky turned,
  The day of your own
      retribution is coming.

A mystery of immeasurable force
For my Jesus to die, and He God!
  It is a pleasure by the angels of heaven
  To meditate upon His death.

Here is the place my dwelling shall be,
Within the wounds of my dear Redeemer;
  The spot guilt will not turn through,
  The spot Satan dare not any more.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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