O fewn ychydig - ond O mor drist

("Yr wyt o fewn ychydig i'm henill
i fod yn Gristion." - Act. xxvi. 28.)
"O fewn ychydig," - ond O mor drist!
"O fewwn ychydig," heb gred yn Nghrist;
  Mae'n dweyd yn gyson,
  "Taw, Dos, Ysbryd, cilia draw,
  Rhyw diwrnod eto ddaw,
    Gwrandaf di."

"O fewn ychydig," na thro dy gefn;
"O fewn ychydig," derbyn y drefn.
  Drosot mae gweddi llu,
  Disgwyl mae'r nefoedd fry,
  Gwahodd mae'r iesu cu;
    Tyr'd, tyr'd yn awr.

"O fewn ychydig," O olwg drist!
"O fewn ychydig," - enaid heb Grist.
  Os yna'r wyt yn awr,
  P'le 'nhagwyddoldeb mawr,
  'Rol gado daear lawr? -
    Nid yn y nef.

"O fewn ychydig," - ond darfu'r dydd;
"O fewn ychydig," - O! adsain prudd.
  Yn ymyl bu cy-hyd,
  Ond aeth i bythol fyd,
  Trwm, trwm fu'r diwedd drud -
    Colledig ddyn!
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn [99.666.4]:
Almost Persuaded (Now To Believe) / Caesarea
    (1871 Philip P Bliss 1838-76)

("Thou art within a little of winning me
to be a Christian." - Acts 26:8.)
"Within a little," - but O how sad!
"Within a little," without believing in Christ;
  He is saying constantly,
  "Quiet, Go, Spirit, retreat yonder,
  Some day yet coming,
    I will listen to thee."

"Within a little," do not thy back;
"Within a little," accept the arrangement.
  For me a host is praying,
  Waiting is heaven above,
  Welcoming is dear Jesus;
    Come, come thou now!

"Within a little," O sad sight!
"Within a little," - a soul without Christ.
  If thou art there not,
  Where in a great eternity,
  After leaving earth below? -
    Not in heaven.

"Within a little,"  - but the day is fading;
"Within a little," - O sad echo!
  Beside thou wast so long,
  But he went to an everlasting world,
  Heavy, heavy was the costly end -
    Of a lost man!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
("Almost thou persuadest me
to become a Christian." - Acts xxvi. 28.)
"Almost persuaded" now to believe;
"Almost persuaded" Christ to receive;
  Seems now some soul to say,
  "Go, Spirit, go Thy way,
  Some more convenient day
    On Thee I'll call."

"Almost persuaded," come, come today;
"Almost persuaded," turn not away;
  Jesus invites you here,
  Angels are lingering near
  Prayers rise from hearts so dear;
    O wanderer, come!

"Almost persuaded," harvest is past!
"Almost persuaded," doom comes at last!
  "Almost" cannot avail;
  "Almost" is but to fail!
  Sad, sad, that bitter wail -
    "Almost," but lost!
Philip P Bliss 1838-76

Tune [99.666.4]:
Almost Persuaded (Now To Believe) / Caesarea
    (1871 Philip P Bliss 1838-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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