O flaen yr allor sanctaidd

O flaen yr allor sanctaidd,
  Mor hardd yw'r
      mab a'r ferch
Sy'n addunedu'n wylaidd
  I'w gilydd gred a serch,
A gweddi, gras a bendith
  Offeiriad nefoedd wen
Yn disgyn megis manwlith
  Yn ennaint ar eu pen!

Llawenydd dydd priodas,
  Mor felys yw ei gân!
Dechreuad pur gymdeithas
  O ddirgel undeb glân;
Pob peth yn seinio cariad,
  Fel ar y bore gwiw
Y dathlwyd gwaith y cread
  Gan lawen feibion Duw.

Priodas wnaed yn gysgod
  Cyfamod newydd rhad,
Trwy ddirgel Ymgnawdoliad
  Tragwyddol Fab y Tad;
A chysgod yw o'r undeb
  Ysbrydol, di-wahân,
A ddeil hyd dragwyddoldeb
  Rhwng Crist a'i Eglwys Lân.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tôn [7676D]: Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

Before the sacred altar,
  How beautiful are the
      son and the daughter
That are promising humbly
  Each other belief and affection,
And the prayer, grace and blessing
  Of the priest of bright heaven
Descending like fine dew
  As ointment on their heads!

The joy of a wedding-day,
  How sweet is its song!
The beginning of the pure fellowship
  Of a secret, holy union;
Everything sounding love,
  As on the worthy morning
When the work of creation was celebrated
  By the joyful sons of God.

A wedding made in the shadow
  Of a new, free covenant,
Through the secret Incarnation
  Of the eternal Son of the Father;
And a shadow it is of the spiritual,
  Undivided Union,
That holds until eternity
  Between Christ and his Holy Church.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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