O flwyddyn i flwyddyn mae dychryn yn d'od, A'r haf a'r cynauaf yn bennaf mae'n bod, Fod Duw am geryddu a'n gwasgu mewn gwir, Trwy ddifa'n cynnaliaeth, sef toraeth ein tir. Ond er ein gwrthryfel, mor dawel mae Duw Yn galw'n feunyddiol ar ol dynolryw; Nid caru'n tylodi, na chosbi mae chwaith, Fe faddeu'n wirfoddol, rinweddol ei waith. Gogoniant i'w enw boed heddyw'n mhob tŷ, Nid arwydd o brinder, iselder y sy; Ond dirfawr helaethrwydd yn rhwydd a mawrhâd, A digon i borthi neu lenwi'r holl wlad. Pob calon, pob tafod, pob aelod, pob un, Hosanna cydseiniant, ei haeddiant ei hun, I Arglwydd y lluoedd yn gyhoedd i gyd, - Ei enw daionus fo'n barchus tryw' byd. Hoff iawn gan yr Arglwydd yw'r swydd o nesâu, Sef nesu at ddyn ysig, a chynnyg iachâu Y clwyfus o galon, mor foddlon mae 'Fe, I wella'i archollion yn llon ymhob lle.Edward Jones 1761-1836 Caniadau Maes-y-Plwm 1857 [Mesur:] |
From year to year terror is coming, And in the summer and the harvest Chiefly it is, That God is wanting to chastise and press us in truth, Through devouring our sustenance, that is, the fertility of our land. But despite our rebellion, so quietly is God Calling daily after humankind; Not loving the poor, nor punishing is he either, He forgives willingly, virtuous his work. Glory to his name be today in every house, Not a sign of scarcity, or low spirits be; But enormous, generous plenty and greatness, And sufficient to feed or fill the whole land. Every heart, every tongue, every member, every one, Hosanna they are sounding together, his own merit, To the Lord of hosts all publicly, - His good name be revered throughout the world. Very much favoured by the Lord is the job of drawing near, That is, drawing near to a bruised man, and offering healing The wounded of heart, how willing is He, To heal his wounds cheerfully in every place.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |