O foroedd o ddoethineb

(Cariad Duw)
O foroedd o ddoethineb!
  Oedd yn y Duwdod mawr,
Pan yn cyfranu ei gariad
  I bryfed gwael y llawr;
A gwneuthur i'w drugaredd,
  A'i dostur maith ynghyd,
I redeg megys afon
  Lifeiríol dros y byd.

Duw, cariad yw ei hunan;
  B'le bynag rhedo'i fryd,
Mae anfeidroldeb eang
  Yn cerdded trwyddo i gyd;
Mewn gweithred o drugaredd
  Mae ef yn llawenhau;
Ac yn faddeuwr pechod
  Yn cael ei alw mae.

Rhyw ddyfnder maith o gariad,
  Lled, annherfynol hyd,
A redodd megys diluw
  Diddiwedd dros y byd;
Yn atteb dyfnder eithaf
  Trueni dynolryw;
Can's dyfnder eilw ddyfnder
  Yn arfaeth hen fy Nuw.

O! gariad heb ei gymmhar!
  A thyna'r testyn sy
Yn Llanw holl ganiadau
  'R angylaidd sanctaidd lu;
Anfeidrol ras rhyfeddol!
  Pe tawai am dano ddyn,
Fe seiniai'r fud greadigaeth
  Yn ddiau bob yr un.

           - - - - -

O! foroedd o ddoethineb
  Oedd yn y Duwdod mawr,
Pan fu'n cyfrannu ei gariad
  I dlodion gwael y llawr;
A gwneuthur ei drugaredd,
  A'i faith dosturi 'nghyd
I redeg megys afon
  Lifeiríol dros y byd.

Rhyw ddyfnder maith o gariad,
  Lled, annherfynol hyd,
A redodd megys diluw
  Diddiwedd dros y byd;
Yn ateb dyfnder eithaf
  Trueni dynol-ryw;
Can's dyfnder eilw ddyfnder
  Yn arfaeth hen fy Nuw.

O! gariad heb ei gymar!
  A dyna'r testyn sy
Yn llanw holl ganiadau
  Angylaidd sanctaidd lu;
Anfeidrol ras! amdano
  Pe na foliannai ddyn,
Clodforai'r bydoedd mudion
  Yn ddiau bob yr un.

         - - - - -

O foroedd o ddoethineb,
  Oedd yn y Duwdod mawr,
Pan y cyfranai ei gariad,
  I bryfaid gwael y llawr!
A gwneuthur i'w drugaredd
  A'i dostur maith ynghyd,
I redeg megis afon
  Lifeiriol dros y byd.

'Nol edrych ar ol edrych,
  O gwmpas i mi mae
Rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau
  Newyddion yn parhau:
Pan bwy'n rhyfeddu unpeth,
  Peth arall ddaw i'm mryd;
O iachawdwriaeth rasol
  Rhyfeddol wyt i gyd!

Ond y rhyfeddod fwya'
  I'r Tad ro'i ei Fab ei hun,
Mynwesol Fab ei gariad,
  I wisgo natur dyn;
Ond dyma ddarostyngiad,
  A dyma rodd mor fawr
Na welir ei chyffelyb
  O eitha'r nef i lawr.

O iachawdwriaeth gadarn!
  O iachawdwriaeth glir!
'Fu dyfais o'i chyffelyb
  Erioed ar fôr na thir;
Fe ro'dd ei fywyd drosom,
  Beth all ef ballu mwy?
Mae myrdd o drugareddau
  Difesur yn ei glwy.

O ras didranc diderfyn,
  Trag'wyddol ei barhad!
Y'nghlwyfau'r Oen fu farw
  Yn unig mae iachâd;
Iachâd oddiwrth euogrwydd,
  Iachad o ofnau'r bedd,
A chariad wedi ei wreiddio
  Ar sail tragwyddol hedd.

Y clod, y nerth, yr enw,
  'R anrhydedd, parch, a'r bri,
F'o i'r Drindod mawr yn Undod,
  A'r Undod pur yn Dri;
Ei glod ehedo allan
  Ei glod anfeidrol ef,
Trwy ehangder annherfynol
  Mesurau maith y nef.
William Williams 1717-91
Golwg ar Deyrnas Crist

Tonau [7676D]:
Caerlleon (alaw Gymreig)
Gosterwood (alaw Seisnig)
Meirionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
Penmachno (<1835)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)
Syria (John Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)

  Angylion do(')ent yn gys(s)on
  Angylion ddônt yn gyson
  'N ol edrych ar ol edrych

(The love of God)
Oh oceans of wisdom
  Were in the the great Godhead
When distributing his love
  To base worms of the ground!
And making its mercy to them,
  And its vast pity altogether,
Run like a river
  Streaming across the world.

God, he himself is love;
  Wherever the stream runs,
There is a wide immeasurability
  Walking through it all;
In an activity of mercy
  He is rejoicing;
And as a forgiver of sin
  Getting called it is.

Some vast depth of love,
  Wide, infinite extent,
Which ran like a deluge
  Unending across the world;
Responding to the extreme depth
  Of the misery of human kind;
As deep calls to deep
  In the old scheme of God.

O love without its equal!
  And behold the theme which
Fills all the songs
  Of the holy angelic host;
Immeasurable, amazing grace!
  If man were silent about it,
The mute creation would sound
  Doubtless every one.

               - - - - -

Oh oceans of wisdom
  Which was in the great Godhead,
When it was distributing its love
  To the base poor of the earth!
And making its mercy,
  And all its vast pity
Run like a river
  Streaming across the world.

Some vast depth of love,
  Wide, infinite extent,
Which ran like a deluge
  Unending across the world;
Responding to the extreme depth
  Of the misery of human kind;
As deep calls to deep
  In the old scheme of God.

O love without its equal!
  And behold the theme which
Fills all the songs
  Of the holy angelic host;
Immeasurable grace: about it
  If man would not extol
The mute ones of the worlds would praise
  Doubtless every one.

              - - - - -

O seas of wisdom,
  Which were in the great Trinity,
When he shared his love,
  With base worms of the ground!
And made his mercy
  An his vast pity together
Run like a flowing
  River for the world.

After looking and looking,
  Around me there are
Some myriad of new
  Wonders continuing:
Whenever I wonder at one thing,
  Another thing comes to my mind;
O gracious salvation
  A wonder thou art altogether!

But the greatest wonder
  For the Father to give his own Son,
The beloved Son of his bosom,
  To wear the nature of man;
But here is submission,
  And here a gift so great
Not to be seen is its equal
  From the extremity of heaven to earth.

O firm salvation!
  O bright salvation!
There was such a plan
  Never on sea or land;
He gave his life for us,
  What can he refuse henceforth?
There are a myriad of immeasurable
  Mercies in his wound.

From undying, endless grace,
  Eternally enduring!
In the wounds of the Lamb who died
  Alone is there healing;
Healing from guilt,
  Healing from fears of the grave,
And love having rooted
  On the foundation of eternal peace.

The praise, the strength, the name,
  The honour, reverence, and the acclaim,
Be to the great Trinity in Unity,
  And the pure Unity in Three;
His praise shall fly out
  His immeasurable praise,
Throughout the infinite breadth
  Of the vast measures of heaven.
tr. 2014,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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