O fryniau Caersalem caf weled
O fryniau Caersalem ceir gweled

(Adolygu'r Daith)
O fryniau Caersalem ceir gweled
  Holl daith yr anialwch i gyd,
Pryd hyn y daw troeon yr yrfa
  Yn felus i lanw ein bryd:
cawn edrych ar stormydd ac ofnau
  Ac angeu dychrynllyd a'r bedd,
A ninnau'n ddiangol o'u cyrraedd
  Yn nofio mewn cariad a hedd.

Cawn esgyn o'r dyrys anialwch,
  I'r beraidd Baradwys i fyw;
Ein henaid lluddedig
    gaiff orphwys,
  Yn dawel ar fynwes ein Duw:
Diangfa dragwyddol geir yno,
  Ar bechod, cystuddiau a phoen,
A gwledda i oesoedd diderfyn,
  Ar gariad annhraethol yr Oen.

Mae ffrydiau gorfoledd yn tarddu,
  O ddysglaer orseddfainc y ne';
Ac yno esgynodd yr Iesu,
  Ac yno yr eiriol efe;
Y gwaed a foddlonodd gyfiawnder,
  Daenellwyd ar orsedd ein Duw,
Sydd yno yn beraidd yn erfyn,
  I ni y troseddwyr gael byw.
                - - - - -

O fryniau Caersalem caf weled
  Holl daith yr anialwch i gyd;
Pryd hyn bydd holl droion Rhagluniaeth
  Yn siriol foddloni fy mryd:
caf edrych ar stormydd ac ofnau
  Ar angeu dychrynllyd a'r bedd,
A ninnau'n ddiangol o'u cyrraedd,
  Yn nofio mewn moroedd o hedd.
David Charles 1762-1834

Tonau [9898D]:
Cyfamod / Hen Dderby (alaw Gymreig)
Eirinwg (David Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

  Cawn esgyn o'r dyrys anialwch
  Mae ffrydiau 'ngorfoledd yn tarddu

(Reviewing the Journey)
From the hills of Jerusalem can be seen
  The whole desert journey at once,
Then come turns of the course
  Sweetly to fill our mind;
We can look at the storms and fears
  And horrendous death and the grave,
And our escape from their reach
  Swimming in love and peace.

We may ascend from the troublesome desert,
  To the sweet Paradise to live;
Our corrupted soul
    shall get to rest,
  Quietly on the bosom of our God:
And eternal escape is got there,
  From sin, afflictions and pain,
And a feast for endless ages,
  On the inexpressible love of the Lamb.

Streams of jubilation are springing,
  From the radiant throne of heaven;
And there Jesus ascended,
  And there interceding is he;
The blood that satisfied righteousness,
  That was sprinkled on our God's throne,
Is there sweetly pleasing,
  For us the transgressors to get to live.
                - - - - -

From the hills of Jerusalem I may see
  The whole desert journey at once;
Then will be all the turns of Providence
  Cheerfully satisfying my mind:
I can look on the storms and fears
  On horrendous death and the grave,
And our escape from their reach,
  Swimming in seas of peace.
tr 2008,20 Richard B Gillion
From heavenly Jerusalem's towers,
  The path through the desert they trace;
And every affliction they suffered
  Redounds to the glory of grace;
Their look they cast back on the tempests,
  On fears, on grim death and the grave,
Rejoicing that now they're in safety,
  Through Him that is mighty to save.

And we, from the wilds of the desert,
  Shall flee to the land of the blest;
Life's tears shall be
    changed to rejoicing,
  Its labours and toil into rest.
There we shall find refuge eternal,
  From sin, from affliction, from pain,
And in the sweet love of the Saviour
  A joy without end shall attain.

tr. Lewis Edwards 1809-87
               - - - - -

From Salem's fair heights we shall witness
  Our way through the desert of life,
And then shall we see the sweet fitness
  Of all its strange sorrows and strife:
Its storms shall we see and its fears,
  And death - from the mansions above -
When, safe from its terrors and tears,
  We revel in peace and in love.
tr. Gethin Davies 1846-96

From the hills of the Beautiful City
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

The heights of fair Salem ascended
tr. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes
T Brown & H Butterworth 1906

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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