O fy enaid gorfoledda

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,2,(5),4.
(Edrych trwy Ffydd ar y Wlad Well)
O fy enaid gorfoledda,
  Er mai tristwch sy yma'n llawn;
Edrych dros y bryniau mawrion,
  I'r ardaloedd hyfryd iawn:
    Uwch tymmhorol
  Feddiant mae fy nhrysor drud.

Gwel tu hwnt i fyrdd o oesoedd,
  Gwel hapusrwydd maith y nef;
Edrych ddeng mil etto 'mhellach,
  Digyfnewid byth yw ef:
  Hwn sy'n eiddo i mi fy hun.

'Rwyf yn edrych ar y cwbl
  Ag sydd yn y bydoedd draw;
Pethau pell yn bethau agos,
  Pethau fu yn bethau ddaw:
    Môr heb waelod
  O bleserau ddaeth i'm rhan.

Nid oes terfyn ar fy ngobaith,
  Cyrraedd mae yn mlaen o hyd;
Gyda'r Duwdod mae'n cydredeg,
  Dyddiau'r ddau sydd un ynghyd:
  Ydyw fy llawenydd mwy.

Anfeidroldeb maith ei hunan
  Sydd yn awr yn eiddof fi;
Yn rhad y cadd ei roddi i mi
  Ar fynyddoedd Calfari:
    Tyr'd yn fuan,
  Hyfryd haf o berffaith hedd.
Nid oes terfyn :: Nid oes derfyn

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
Bryntirion (Heinrich Roth 1802-89)
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Cwmafon (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Frankfort (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)
St Hildebert (alaw Regoraidd)
Verona (alaw Eidalaidd/Ellmynig)

(Looking through Faith at the Better Country)
O my soul rejoice,
  Although there is sadness here fully;
Look across the great hills,
  To the very lovely regions:
    Above a seasonal
  Possession is my costly treasure.

See beyond a myriad ages,
  See the vast happiness of heaven;
Look a thousand times yet further,
  Forever unchanging it is:
  That is my own possession.

I am looking at the whole
  Which is in the worlds yonder;
Distant things in near things,
  Things that were in things to come:
    A bottomless sea
  O pleasures that came to my lot.

There is no ending to my hope,
  It always reaches forwards;
With the Godhead it runs together,
  The days of the two are one together:
  Is my joy evermore.

Vast immeasurability itself
  Is now belonging to me;
Freely it was given to me
  On the mountains of Calvary:
    Come soon,
  Delightful summer of perfect peace.

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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