O fy Iachawdwr gwerthfawr rhad

(Cyfiawnder Crist)
O! fy Iachawdwr gwerthfawr, rhad,
  Nid oes ond gwaed Dy galon,
Yn unig gysur dan y ne'
  Ddyddana'r pererinion.

Rhaid i mi gael pob gras, pob dawn
  O'th drysor llawn yn gyfan;
Ac oni châf, fy enaid prudd
  A gyll y dydd yn fuan.

Dy wisg dy hun, cyfiawnder hael,
  Raid i mi gael yn mlaenaf;
Nid oes ond ofnau dan fy mron
  Nes caffwyf hon am danaf.

Gwyn fyd y rhai dile'st eu bai,
  Eu pechod a'u hanwiredd,
Gan roi iddynt nerth,
    er cnawd a byd
  I bara hyd y diwedd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyffryn Maelor (E O Parry)

gwelir: O'i ystlys bur yn cwympo i lawr

(The Righteousness of Christ)
O my gracious, precious Saviour!
  Nothing but Thy heart's blood,
As an only comfort under heaven
  Consoles the pilgrims.

I must get every grace, every gift
  From thy full treasure altogether;
And unless I do, my sad soul
  Shall lose the day soon.

Thy own clothing, generous righteousness,
  I must get first;
There are only fears under my breast
  Until I get this for myself.

Blessed are those whose fault, whose sin,
  And whose falsehood thou dost delete,
While giving them strength,
    despite flesh and world
  To endure until the end.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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