O fywyd gwyn cael hedd i'n bron

O blessed life the heart at rest

(Y Bywyd Gwyn)
O fywyd gwyn!
    cael hedd i'n bron,
  Er fod y byd yn ferw i gyd; -
  Pwyso ar 'wyllys uwch, a'n bryd
Yn ufudd i awdurdod hon.

O fywyd gwyn! y meddwl sydd
  Yn gweld, er cymaint tryblith byd,
  Drugaredd yn y cwbl i gyd,
A'i goleu hi ar bethau cudd.

O fywyd gwyn! yr enaid hêd
  Pan ballo synnwyr, - hêd yn rhydd
  I'r anweledig, lle mae Ffydd
Yn taflu drysau'r nef ar led.

O fywyd gwyn! y dyn i gyd
  O'i hunan wedi ymryddhau:
  Yn un â Duw - yn ufuddhau
I ddeddf Ei orsedd Ef bob pryd.

O fywyd gwyn! o'r nef rwyt ti,
  Ac ernes
      bywyd gwell 'rôl hyn: -
  O! Dduw, rho i mi'r bywyd gwyn
I ddisychedu f'enaid i!
rwyt ti :: wyt ti

cyf. E Keri Evans 1860-1941

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Abends (H S Oakeley 1830-1903)
Maryton (H Percy Smith 1825-98)
Prudence (J C McLean)

(The Blessed Life)
Oh blessed life!
    To get peace into our breast,
  Although the world is all boiling; -
  To lean on a higher will, with our intent
Obedient to his authority.

Oh blessed life! The mind which is
  Seeing, despite the world's chaos,
  Mercy in the whole altogether,
And its light on hidden things.

Oh blessed life! The soul flying
  When sense fades, - flying freely
  To the unseen, where Faith is
Flying the doors of heaven wide open.

Oh blessed life! the man altogether
  By himself having set himself free:
  At one with God - obeying
The law of His throne every time.

Oh blessed life! From heaven thou art,
  And the earnest
      of a better life after this: -
  O God, give me the blessed life
To refresh my soul!

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

(The Inner Life)
O blessed life!
    the heart at rest
  When all without tumultuous seems;
  That trusts a higher will, and deems
That higher will, made ours, the best.

O blessed life! the mind that sees,
  Whatever change the years may bring,
  A mercy still in everything,
And shining through all mysteries.

O blessed life! the soul that soars,
  When sense of mortal sight is dim,
  Beyond the sense, - beyond, to him
Whose love unlocksthe heavenly doors.

O blessed life! heart, mind, and soul,
  From self-born aims and wishes free,
  In all at one with Deity,
And loyal to the Lord's control.

O life! how blessed, how divine!
  High life, the earnest
      of a higher!
  Father, fulfil my deep desire,
And let this blessed life be mine.

1866 William Tidd Matson 1833-99

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Diman (Joseph Emerson Sweetser 1817-73)
Hesperus/Whitburn (Henry Baker 1835-1910)
Illa (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Long Milford (Joseph Barnby 1838-96)
Uxbridge (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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