O gariad O gariad mor rhad

1,(2,(3));  1,3,4.
(Rhyfeddodau Cariad Crist)
O gariad, O gariad mor rhad,
  O foroedd o gariad mor fawr:
Mab unig-anedig y Tad
  Ddisgynnodd o'r nefoedd i'r llawr;
Cymerodd ei wneuthur yn gnawd, -
  Dynoliaeth â Duwdod yn un;
Bu farw ar groesbren dan wawd
  Yn lle ei elynion ei Hun.

Pob archoll rôi dynion i'w gnawd,
  Dylifai yn gariad trwy'r clwy';
Po fwyaf ei ddirmyg a'i wawd,
  Dôi cariad
      i'r golau fwy-fwy;
Trwy'r clwyfau, yn rhedeg ar frys,
  Rhyw ffrydiau o gariad a gaed;
Llifeiriai yn gariad trwy'r chwys,
  A chariad a lifai
      trwy'r Gwaed.

Creulondeb llid dynion at Grist
  Droes cariad i ddynion yn hedd,
Ei ddirmyg gofidus a thrist
  Droes cariad iddynion yn wledd;
Yr angau ergydiodd y byd
  At Iesu, mewn dig a drwg wŷn,
Droes carid yn ôl yr un pryd
  Yn fywyd tragwyddol i ddyn.

Y nerth a'r
    anrhydedda'r clod,
  Y moliant a'r
      parch yn gytûn,
O'r nefoedd i'r ddaear gaiff fod
  Yn gyfan i'm Harglwydd ei hun;
Aed sŵn ei Farwolaeth i maes
  O'r dwyrain lluosog i'r de,
Helaethed terfynau ei ras
  Mor bell ag y cyrraedd y ne'.
Dôi cariad i'r golau :: Gwnai cariad dd'od allan

1-3: David Jones 1805-68
4 : William Williams 1717-91

y testun llawn

Tôn [MHD 8888D]:
  Caernarfon (Emynau Hen a Newydd 1962)
Edom (Thomas Evans -1824)
Llangristiolus (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Rhyl (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)
Trewen (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

  Wrth gofio'i riddfannau'n yr ardd
  Yr Aberth a laddwyd trwy frad

(Wonders of the Love of Christ)
O love, O love so free,
  O seas of love so great:
The only-begotten Son of the Father
  Dropped from the heavens to the earth;
He received his making in flesh, -
  Humanity with Divinity in one;
He died on the cross under mockery
  In the place of his enemies himself.

Every wound men give to the flesh,
  Would stream in love through the injury;
The more his scorn and his mockery,
  Love would love come
      to the light even more;
Through the injuries, running swiftly,
  Some streams of love were got;
He would flood in love through the sweat,
  And love which would flow
      through the Blood.

The cruel anger of men to Christ
  Turned love for men into peace,
His grievous and sad mocking
  Turned love for men into a feast;
The death with which the world struck
  At Jesus, in anger and evil complaint,
Loved turned back at the same time
  As eternal life for man.

The strength and the
    honour and the acclaim,
  The praise and the
      reverence in agreement,
From heaven to the earth shall get to be
  Wholly to my Lord himself;
Let the sound of his Death go out
  From the numerous east to the south,
May the boundaries of his grace spread
  So far that they reach heaven.
Love would come to the light :: Love would come out

tr. 2007,16 Richard B Gillion

O love of the Father so free
  To earth brought by his only Son,
Descending to take on our flesh
  Who oceans of mercy has won:
Now human though no less divine,
  He suffers on that shameful tree,
And taking our place in his death
  Sets even his enemies free.

Each wound he received in his flesh,
  Would flow with his love as with blood;
Though mocking and scorn he received,
  Love shone to
      his enemies' good;
With blood flowing readily down,
  Came streams of his love so divine;
What dropped with his sweat was pure love,
  The love of the pure, heavenly Vine.


tr. 2007,16 Richard B Gillion.

Tune [DLM 8888D]: Trewen (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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