O gwel y Brenin mawr

(Darostyngiad ac angeu Crist.)
O gwel y Brenin mawr,
  'R hwn ddaeth i fod yn dlawd; 
A'i waed o'i ben i'w draed i lawr, 
  Yn dyoddef llid a gwawd.

Fe gymmerth agwedd gwas,
  Bu yma'n fach ei fri,
Fe'i drylliwyd am ein beiau câs,
  Bu farw ar Galfari.

Ffydd, c'od dy ben yn awr;
  Fy enaid, gwel ei gur:
Wrth dalu swm dy ddyled mawr,
  O tawdd, fy nghalon ddûr!

Gwel fel y ca'dd ei drin
  Am feiau dynol-ryw;
Gwin-wyryf sathrodd ef ei hun
  Heb flin am fod e'n Dduw.

Gorchfygodd angau glâs,
  Pwrcasodd bardwn rhad;
Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd at orsedd gras,
  Trwy lefain Abba Dad.

Mae heddwch yn ei waed,
  I'r holl grediniol rai;
Tragwyddol bardwn a rhyddhâd,
  Ca'dd Duw ei lwyr foddhau.
waed o'i ben i'w draed i lawr:: werthfawr waed yn llifo i lawr
fach :: wael

Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Leipsic (< 1875)
St Bride (Samuel Howard 1710-82)

(The abasement and death of Christ)
O see the great King,
  He who came to be poor;
And his blood from his head down to his feet,
  Suffering anger and scorn.

He took the aspect of a servant,
  He was here with little honour,
He was broken for our hateful sins,
  He died on Calvary.

Faith, raise thy head now;
  My soul, see his beating:
while paying the sum of thy great debt,
  O be silent, my heart of steel!

He how he was treated
  For the faults of human-kind;
The winepress he himself trod
  Without faltering since he is God.

He overcame utter death,
  He purchased a free pardon;
The way is free to the throne of grace,
  Through crying "Abba, Father."

There is peace in his his blood,
  For all those who are believing;
Eternal pardon and liberty,
  God acquired his complete pleasing.
blood from his head down to his feet :: precious blood flowing down
little :: poor

tr. 2010,24 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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