O [gwrandaw/gwrando] weddi'r tlawd

(Ymbil enaid custuddiol am faddeuant)
1a/b+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8;
1a,2,5,6;  1c,2,(5),9;  1c,2,10,11.
(1a) O gwrando weddi'r tlawd,
   Ffyddlonaf frawd a gaed,
I'r rhai cystuddiol ym mhob man,
   Sy'n 'mofyn am iachad:

(2) Ti wyddost am fy mhla,
  Fy ngofid a fy mhwn,
Ac nid oes ond d'anfeidrol rym.
  All symmud dim o hwn.

(3) Mi ro' fy meiau'n llawn,
  Yn uniawn o dy flaen,
О tafl hwy i fôr o anghof clir,
  Mewn anial dir yn lân:

(4) Na safed y rhai hyn,
  Fyth yn fy erbyn draw,
Pan y cyhoeddir beiau cudd,
  Yn oleu ddydd a ddaw.

(5) O! boed maddeuant rhad,
  Yn ngwerthfawr waed yr Oen,
Yn destun moliant ym mhob man.
  I mi sy dan fy mhoen:

(6) Yr anthem faith ei hyd,
  Fo i gyd am Galfari.
A'r Iachawdwriaeth fawr ei dawn,
  Ddaeth un prydnawn i mi.

(7) Na foed im' garu mwy,
  Un gwrth'rych is y ne',
Ond hwnnw a fu'n plygu ei ben,
  Ar groesbren yn fy lle.

(8) 'Does dim, 'does neb ond ef,
  Mewn daear nef na llawr,
Ac byth ni roddai
    i neb mo'r clod,
  Sy'n eiddo'r Iesu mawr.

(9) Af ato fel yr wyf
   I 'mofyn am iachad;
A'm holl bechodau addef wnaf
   Yn isel wrth ei draed.

(10) Rhof arnat ti fy mhwys,
  Er gwaethaf cyfrwys lu;
Fel un cystuddiol mi rof floedd,
  I entrych nefoedd fry.

(11) Mi goda'm dwylaw i'r lan,
  Lluddedig, gwan a gwyw,
Ac ni wan-gredafgario'r dydd,
  Fy ngymorth fydd fy Nuw.

               - - -

(1b) O gwrando weddi'r tlawd, 
  On'd ffyddlon frawd wyt ti,
I'r rhai cystuddiol clwyfus gwan,
  Sy 'mofyn rhan o fry?

               - - -

(1c) O gwrando weddi'r tlawd,
  Hyfrydaf Frawd a gaed,
I'r rhai cystuddiol, clwyfus, gwan,
  Sy'n gofyn am iachâd.
gwrando :: gwrandaw
ro' :: rof
meiau'n llawn :: meiau o'r bron
Yn uniawn :: Yn gyson
anghof clir :: anghof pur
O! boed :: Ond boed
Y'ngwerthfawr waed :: Yn hyfryd waed
Ddaeth un prydnawn :: Roedd un prydnawn
gwrth'rych :: gwrthddrych

            - - - - -

O gwrando weddi'r tlawd,
   Ffyddlonaf Frawd a ga'd!
I'r rhai cystuddiol clwyfus, gwan,
   Sy'n 'mofyn am iachad:
Ti wyddost am fy mhla,
  Fy ngofid a fy mhwn,
Ac nid oes ond d'anfeidrol rym,
  All symmud dim o hwn.

Ti Iesu, Frenin nef,
  F'Anwylyd a fy Nuw,
Yn eithaf pell o dŷ fy Nhad,
  Mewn anial wlad wy'n byw;
Mewn ofnau 'rwyf a braw,
  Bob llaw gelynion sydd,
O addfwyn Iesu saf o'm rhan,
  A thyn y gwan yn rhydd.

Mae Satan ar fy ne'
  Yn haeru grym fy mai,
Ac mae euogrwydd, gwmwl du,
  Yn gwneud y goleu llai;
Mae pechod gyda'r rhai'n
  A'i erchyll sain mor gry',
'Rwyf finnau'n diangc, rhag fy nal,
  I fynydd Calfari.

Ac yno, dan y groes
  Mi glywaf gryfach llef,
Clywaf och'neidiau dwyfol, gwir,
  Gruddfanau pur y nef;
Ac yno gwnaf fy nyth,
  Yn mhlith rhai gwaetha'u rhyw;
Mi daflaf fy euogrwydd du
  Yn hollol i fy Nuw.

O boed maddeuant rhad
  Trwy werthfawr waed yr Oen,
Yn destun moliant yn mhob man
  I mi sy dan fy mhoen;
Yr anthem faith ei hyd
  Fo'i gyd am Galfari.
A'r Iachawdwriaeth fawr ei dawn,
  Ddaeth un prydnawn i mi.
William Williams 1717-91
(9): <1835 Mr David Thomas 1791-1877, Caerfyrddin.

Tôn: [MBD 6686D]: New Burke (<1829)
Tonau [MB 6686]:
St Bride (Samuel Howard 1710-82)
Shirland (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)

  Ar grasdir crindir cras
  Byth boed maddeuant rhad
  Iesu yr addfwyn Oen
  Mi gana' am waed yr Oen
  Na foed im' garu mwy
  Nis gallai gwaed yr holl
  'Rwy'n gorwedd dan fy mhwn
  Ti Iesu Frenin nef (F'Anwylyd a fy Nuw)
  Yr iachawdwriaeth rad

(Entreaty of the anguished soul for forgiveness)
O listen to the prayer of the poor,
   Most faithful brother to be had,
 To those who are anguished in every place,
   Who are asking for wholeness:

Thou knowest my disease,
  My trouble and my load,
And there is only thy immeasurable force,
  Which can remove any of this.

I will put my sins completely,
  Directly before thee,
O throw them into the see of pure forgetfulness, 
  In a desert land completely:

May these not stand
  Ever against me yonder,
When to be published are hidden sins,
  In the light of the day to come.

But let free forgiveness be,
  In the precious blood of the Lamb,
The theme of praise in every place,
  For me who am under my pain:

The anthem of great length,
  Be all about Calvary.
And the Salvation of great might,
  Which came one afternoon to me.

May I love no longer,
  Any object under heaven,
But him who bowed his head,
  On the wooden cross in my place.

There is nothing, there is no-one but he,
  In earth, heaven or below,
And never to anyone
    should any of the praise be given,
  Which belongs to the great Jesus.

I will go to him as I am
  To wash for healing;
And I will confess all my sins
  Lowly at his feet.

I will lean upon thee,
  In spite of a crafty host;
Like an afflicted one I will give a shout,
  To the dome of heaven above.

I will life my pair of hands up,
  Wearied, weak and wizened,
And I will not doubt to carry the day,
  My help will be my God.

                        - - -

O listen to the prayer of the poor,
  Art thou not a faithful brother,
To those anguished, wounded, weak,
  Who are seeking a portion from above?]

                        - - -

O listen to the prayer of the poor,
  Most delightful Brother to be had,
To those afflicted, wounded, weak,
  Who are asking for healing.]
Directly :: Constantly
O let ... be :: But let ... be
In the precious blood :: In the delightful blood
Came one afternoon :: Was (there) one afternoon

                - - - - -

O listen to the prayer of the poor,
  Most faithful Friend ever found!
To those afflicted, wounded, weak,
  Who are asking for healing:
Thou knowest about my plague,
  My grief and my ache,
And only thy immeasurable force,
  Can remove any of this at all.

Thou Jesus, King of heaven,
  My beloved and my God,
Extremely far from my Father's house,
  In a desert land I am living;
In fears I am and terror,
 On every hand there are enemies,
O gentle Jesus stand on my side,
  And pull the weak free.

Satan is at my right hand,
  Asserting the force of my fault,
And guilt, a black cloud, is
  Making the light less;
There is sin with those
  With its horrible sound so strong,
But I am escaping, from being caught,
  To the mountain of Calvary.

And there, under the cross
  I hear a stronger cry,
I hear true, divine groanings,
  The pure groans of heaven;
In there I shall make my nest,
  Amongst those of the worst kind;
I shall fling my black guilt
  Wholly to my God.

O may free forgiveness
  Through the precious blood of the Lamb,
Be a theme of praise in every place
  For me who am under my pain;
May the anthem of vast length
  Be all about Calvary,
And the Salvation of great gift,
  That came one afternoon to me.
tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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