O heda efengyl drawgwyddol

O! heda, efengyl drawgwyddol,
  Ar gyflym adenydd y wawr,
Nes cilio o'r
    noson gaddugol,
  A'r fagddu orchuddia y llawr;
Cyfoded gogoniant yr Arglwydd
  Ar Seion, preswylfa Duw Iôr,
Nes llanwer y ddae'r â sancteiddrwydd,
  A "throi llïosowgrwydd y môr!"

Pwy yw y rhai hyn a ehedant
  I deml Jeriwsalem wiw?
Fel gwỳn golomenod dychwelant
  I harddu ffenestri fy Nuw:
Cenhedloedd o Aipht eu caethiwed
  Sy'n dyfod i weled y wawr;
Brenhinoedd offrymant eu teyrnged
  Wrth orsedd Emmanuel mawr.

Yn mynydd yr Arglwydd y gwelir
  Dylifiad y bobloedd o bell,
A sŵn eu Hosanna
    a glywir
  Yn esgyn i'r Ganaan sydd well;
Fel llef dyfroedd lawer yn tòri
  Bydd moliant Emmaniwel mawr,
Y ddaear yn esgyn i fyny,
  A'r nefoedd yn disgyn i lawr.
Pwy yw y rhai :: Pwy ydyw'r rhai

John T Job 1867-1938

Tonau [9898D]:
Aberclydach (David Evans 1874-1948)
Bethel (<1840))
Derlwyn (alaw Ellmynig)
Eirinwg (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)
  Menai (Vera Henry Llewellyn 1898-1987)

O fly, eternal gospel!
  On the fast wings of the dawn,
Until retreating from the
    evening of darkness,
  And the extreme gloom covers the ground;
Let the glory of the Lord rise
  Upon Zion, the residence of God the Lord,
Until the earth is filled with holiness,
  And "the multitude of the sea turn!"

Who are these who fly
  To the temple of worthy Jerusalem?
Like white doves they return
  To beautify the windows of my God:
Nations from the Egypt of their captivity
  Who are coming to see the dawn;
Kings offer their tribute
  At the throne of great Emmanuel.

On the mountain of the Lord shall be seen
  The outpouring of the peoples from afar,
And the sound of their Hosanna
    shall be heard
  Ascending to the Canaan that is better;
Like the cry of many waters breaking
  Shall be the praise of great Emmanuel,
The earth ascending up,
  And the heavens descending down.

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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