O herwydd it' wneuthur yr Iôn, Yr Arglwydd goruchaf, dy Nyth, Yn Noddfa, dy Gartref di-gêl, A'th Breswyl diogel am byth; Dim niwed ni ddigwydd i ti, Na phlâ i dy boeni ni bydd, Cysgoda dy babell yn llon, Dan fendith Ei roddion a rŷdd. Angylion y nefoedd, yn llu, A warchod o ddeutu dy ffyrdd; Gorchymyn a ddyry'n dy gylch, Ehedant o'th amgylch di'n fyrdd: Rhag llithro, na tharaw dy droed, Mor hynod eu gofal i gyd, Hwy'th ddygant, yn dyner a doeth, A'u dwylaw ysbrydol ynghyd. Ac arnaf y geilw mewn ing, Gwrandawaf, gwaredaf ynghyd; A chydag ef byddaf yn blaid Digonol i'w enaid o hyd: Gogoniant, anrhydedd, hir oes, Digonaf ei einioes o hedd; Trwy rym iachawdwriaeth ddi dranc, Y dianc o feddiant y bedd.Richard Jones ?1771-1833
Tonau [8888D]: gwelir: Rhan I - A drigo 'nghymdeithas y Tad |
Because of you the LORD, the Sovereign, The Lord most high, will make thy Nest, As a shelter, thy unconcealed home, And thy safe Residence forever: No harm shall happen to thee, Neither shall there be a plague to pain thee, Thy tent shall shade cheerfully, Under the blessing of His gifts he will give. The angels of heaven, as a host, Will guard about thy ways; Commands shall turn around thee, They fly abound thee as a myriad: Against slipping or striking thy foot, So notable all their care, They will lead thee, tenderly and wisely, With their spiritual hands together. And upon me he will call in anguish, I will listen, I will deliver together; And I will be on his side Sufficient for his soul always: Glory, honour, long life, I will satisfy his lifetime with peace; Through the force of undying salvation, The escape from the possession of the grave.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |