O iachawdwriaeth hawddgar, O iachawdwriaeth gref! A ddaeth o'r nef i'r ddaear, I'n dwyn o'r ddae'r i'r nef! Yr Iesu pur a glwyfwyd, Er gwir iachâd i'n briw; Fe'i profwyd, fe'i perffeithiwyd, Yn fythol Feddyg gwiw. Awn ato dan ein clwyfau, Ei glwyfau a'n iachâ; Awn ato dan ein beichiau, Ei wendid a'n cryfhâ: Awn, awn, dan farn marwolaeth, Ei angeu rydd in' fyw; Mae'n awdwr iachawdwriaeth, Iachawdwr cyflawn yw. Awn ato Ef am gymod, Am lawn faddeuant rhad; Am rym yn erbyn pechod, Am sanctaidd wir lanhâd; Awn ato yn ddibryder Am nerth i ddwyn y groes, Awn ato Ef mewn hyder Tan bob cystuddiol loes.Thomas Jones 1756-1820 Tôn [7676D]: Aurelia (Samuel S Wesley 1810-76) |
O beautiful salvation, O strong salvation! That came from heaven to the earth! To bring us from the earth to heaven! The pure Jesus was wounded, Truly to heal our wound; He was tested, he was perfected, As an everlasting worthy Physician. Let us go to him under our wounds, His wounds heal us; Let us go to him under our burdens, His weakness strengthens us: Let us go, let us go, under the judgment of death, His death sets us free; He is an author of salvation, A full Saviour he is. Let us go to him for reconciliation, For full, free forgiveness; For power against sin, For holy, true, cleansing; Let us go to him without fear For strength to bear the cross, Let us go to him in confidence Under every afflicting anguish.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |