O iachawdwriaeth siriol sain

(Myfi yw dy achawdwriaeth)
O iachwdwriaeth! - siriol sain
  I ddynion marwol ryw;
Yr iachawdwriaeth ddaeth o'r nef,
  Hi'n dwg i'r nef i fyw.

Hi'n gwared o gadwynau'r fall,
  Rhag t'wyllwch dwyfol lid;
Hi'n dwg i wlad y gwynfyd llawn,
  A gwledd tragwyddol fyd.

A ddichon truan mor ddiwerth
  A mi gael rhan o'r wledd?
Fy ysbryd egwan crynu mae
  Rhag bod yn fyr o'th hedd.

'Does ond dy lais, fy nhirion Dâd!
  All ddangos im' fy hawl;
O! d'wed mai Ti yw'm bythol ran,
  A thro fy ngweddi'n fawl.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tôn [CM 8686]:
    St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke 1668-1707)

(I am thy salvation)
Oh salvation! - a cheerful sound
  To men of a mortal race;
The salvation came from heaven,
  It will take us to heaven to live.

It delivers us from the chains of the pestilence,
  From the darkness of divine wrath;
It will take us to the land of the full blessedness,
  And the feast of an eternal world.

Is it possible for such a worthless wretch
  As I to get a portion of the feast?
My weak spirit does tremble
  Let I fall short of thy peace.

Nothing but thy voice, my tender Father!
  Can show me my claim,
Oh, tell me that Thou art my everlasting portion,
  And turn my prayer into praise!
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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