O Iachawdwrieth wiw

(Gorphwys ar Grist)/(Gorphwys ar Iachawdwriaeth Duw)
O Iachawdwrieth wiw,
  Ti yw fy nghân i gyd,
Rhinweddau nefol hyfryd hon
  A'm deil mewn dyrus fyd.

Fy eniad dyro'th bwys,
  A gorphwys arni mwy;
A'th holl ymddiried yn ddilyth
  Fo byth mewn marwol glwy'.

Mae yma wledd ddidrai,
  I'r rhai lluddiedig sy
Yn teithio trwy'r anialwch blin
  I Seion sanctaidd fry.
dyrus :: anial

anhysbys (Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855)

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Myfanwy (Joseph D Jones 1827-70)
Shawmut (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(Rest on Christ)/(Rest on God's Salvation)
O worthy Salvation,
  Thou art all my song,
These delightful heavenly merits
  Keep me in a troublesome world.

My soul put thy weight,
  And rest on it henceforth;
And all thy trust unfailingly
  Be forever in a mortal wound.

An unstinting feast is there,
  For those who are exhausted
In travelling through the weary desert
  To holy Zion above.
troublesome :: desert

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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