O Iesu galw fi

(Pob Peth yng Nghrist)
O! Iesu, galw fi
  Â'th addfwyn, dyner lef,
O ganol anial mawr y byd
  I lwybrau clyd y nef.

O! Iesu, arwain fi
  Â'th gref, garedig law,
Ar hyd y ffordd a drefnaist Ti
  I fro'r goleuni draw.

O! Iesu, nertha fi
  O hyd â'th Ysbryd Glân, 
I goncro anawsterau'r daith,
  A throi fy ngwaith yn gân.
Ben Davies 1864-1937

Tôn [MB 6686]: Gwengar (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

(Every Thing in Christ)
O Jesus call me
  With thy gentle, tender call,
From the middle of the great desert of the world
  To the cosy paths of heaven!

O Jesus, lead me
  With thy strong, loving hand,
Along the way which Thou preparedst
  To the vale of yonder light!

O Jesus, strengthen me
  Always with thy Holy Spirit,
To conquer the difficulties of the journey,
  And turn my work into song.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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