O Iesu beunydd gyda mi

(Dear Jesus ever at my side)

(Emyn Plentyn i'r Iesu)
O Iesu beunydd gyda mi
  Mor dirion riad Dy fod,
I ddod o'r nefoedd fry er mwyn
  Fath blentyn bach di-nôd!

Ni welaf fi Dy wyneb hardd
  Er mor agosed yw;
A melus dôn Dy fwynaidd lais
 Fy myddar glust ni chlyw.

Nis gallaf deimlo ar fy mhen
  Dy ysgafn, dyner law
I'm haral, fel y gwnai fy mam
  Ei phlentyn bach difraw.

Ond teimlais Di'n fy nghalon ddrwg
  Mewn ymdrech drosof fi;
A phan y caraf Dduw, mi wn
  Fod hyn o honot Ti.

A phan weddïaf, Tithau wyt
  Â'th weddi drosof fi:
Ond pan y cysgaf, gwylio byth
  Mae'th lygaid effro Di!
cyf. Mr John Francis, Wrexham.
Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol 1895

Tôn [MC 8686]: Farrant (Richard Farrant 1525-80)

(A Children's Hymn to Jesus)
O Jesus daily with me
  So tender Thou must be,
To come from heaven above for the sake
  Of such a small, unnoteworthy child!

I cannot see Thy beautiful face
  Although so close it is;
And the sweet tune of Thy gentle voice
  My deaf ear cannot hear.

I cannot feel on my head
  Thy light, tender hand
To stop me, as would my mother
  Her little, unfearing child.

But Thou didst feel my wicked heart
  In a struggle for me;
And when I love God, I know
  That this is from Thee.

And when I pray, Thou too hast
  Thy prayer for me:
But when I sleep, ever watching
  Are Thy awake eyes!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Dear Jesus, ever at my side,
  How loving Thou must be,
To leave Thy home in heaven to guard
  A little child like me.

I cannot feel Thee touch my hand,
  With pressure light and mild,
To check me as my mother did,
  When I was but a child:

But I have felt Thee in my thoughts,
  Rebuking sin for me;
And when my heart loves God, I know
  The sweetness is from Thee.

And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down,
  Morning and night to prayer,
Something there is within my heart
  Which tells me Thou art there.

Yes, when I pray, Thou prayest too:
  Thy prayer is all for me;
But when I sleep, Thou sleepest not,
  But watchest patiently.
Frederick William Faber 1814-63

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Bayton (The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book 1859)
Oriola (William B Bradbury 1616-68)
St Anselm (G C E Ryley 1866-1947)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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