O Iesu byw! Iachawdwr byd, Dŵg fi yn glau, i'th fynwes glŷd, 'Gael prawf o'th gariad cu, Sydd well na'r gwîn, i'm henaid gwàn, Am hyn 'r wy'n daer am gael d'od dàn Dy dirion aden di. Dy gariad dwys yn f'enaid dôd, Ac ynddo fyth gâd imi fôd, Yn nofio tua'r nef, Nes gado'n deg yr anial dir, A glànio o fewn i Salem bur Duw gwrando ar fy llef. Rhyfeddol rin, arfaethol ras, I'm Iesu mwyn fy nwyn i maes O'r dwfn bydew pridd; Dros f'enaid bach dyoddefodd boen, Gan roddi iawn i'm hanwyl Ion; Ce's innau fyn'd yn rhydd. 'Rwy'n nawr yn dod o'r Aiphtiaidd dir, Trwy fôr o waed fy Iesu'n wir, Tu a'r etifeddiaeth wiw: Trafaelu wnes, trafaelu wnaf, Nes im' gael nyth ynghôl fy Naf, Tragwyddol i mi fyw. Wel f'enaid dos yn enw Duw, Gan sathru croes uffernol griw; Er maint eu llid a'u brad: Ar fyr i'r llawr, mi gaf yn ll, Bob gelyn cas sy'm henaid cu, Trwy rinwedd gwych y gwa'd. O wynfydedig ddedwydd awr, Ddysgleirwen wir, O hyfryd wawr! Caf esgyn uwch y nen: Gorphwysfa lân, trag'wyddol wledd, Gaf fi fwynhau mewn dinas hedd: Boed hyn ar frys, Amen. am gael d'od dàn :: am ddyfod dan A glànio o fewn :: A myn'd i mewn Duw gwrando ar fy llef :: O'm gofid, ac o'm gwae
Tonau [886D]:
gwelir: |
O living Jesus, Saviour of the world, Bring me quickly, to thy cosy bosom, To get and experience of thy dear love, Which is better than the wine, to my weak soul, For this I am insistent about getting to come under Thy tender wings. Thy intense love come into my soul, And in it forever let me be, Swimming towards heaven, Until leaving fairly the desert land, And landing within pure Salem God listen to my cry. Wonderful merit, intentional grace, To my gentle Jesus bring me out Of the deep pit of soil; For my little soul he suffered pain, While giving satisfaction to my dear Lord; Whereas I got to go free. I am no coming from the Egyptian land, Through the sea of the blood of Jesus truly, Towards the worthy inheritance: Travel I did, travel I shall, Until i reach a nest in my Master's house, Eternally for me to live. Well, my soul, go in the name of God, While trampling across a hellish crew; Despite the extent of their wrath and their treachery: Shortly I shall bring down as a host, Every detestable enemy my dear soul has, Through the brilliant merit of the blood. O blessed happy hour, Truly brilliant, O delightful hour! I get to ascend above the sky: A holy resting-place, an eternal feast, I get to enjoy in a city of peace: May this be soon, Amen. about getting to come under :: about coming under And landing within :: And going into God listen to my cry :: From my grief, and from my woe tr. 2019,20 Richard B Gillion |