O Iesu croeshoeliedig

O Iesu croeshoeliedig,
  Gwaredwr dynol-ryw,
Ti yw ein hunig obaith
  Tra bôm
      ar dir y byw;
Dan feichiau o ofalon
  Sy'n gwneud ein bron yn brudd
Mae d'enw, llawn diddanwch,
  Yn troi ein nos yn ddydd.

O Iesu croeshoeliedig,
  Boed mawl i'th enw byth,
Doed dynion i'th foliannu
  Rifedi'r bore wlith;
Aed sôn ymhell ac agos
  Am aberth Calfarî,
Nes llenwi â gorfoledd
 Bob rhan o'n daear ni.
J H Hughes (Ieuan o Lleyn) 1814-93

Tonau [7676D]:
Kilmorey (John A Lloyd 1840-1914)
Whitford (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

O crucified Jesus,
  Deliverer of human-kind,
Thou art our only hope
  While ever we are
      on the land of the living;
Under burdens of cares
  Which are making our breast sad
Thy name is, full of comfort,
  Turning our night into day.

O crucified Jesus,
  Let there be praise to thy name forever,
Let men come to praise thee
  Numerous as the morning dew;
Let a mention go far and near
  Of the sacrifice of Calvary,
Until filling with jubilation
  Every part of our earth.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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