O Iesu dyro'r fywiol ffydd

O Iesu, dyro'r fywiol ffydd
  A'm gwna yn un â thi;
Mi ynot ti, a thithau fyth
  Yn aros ynof fi.

Pâr i mi fod yn gangen fyw,
  Yn ffrwythlon yn barhaus;
Fy mywyd oll fo'n glod i'm Duw, -
  Hyn, Iesu, yw fy nghais.

Rho i mi nerth dy fywyd di,
  Rhag i mi fyth lescau:
Rho deimlo rhin dy gariad cu
  Yn fywyd i'm cryfhau.

Ar hyd fy oes yn un â thi,
  Yn nerth dy Ysbryd Glân,
Dwg fi i'th gartref at y llu,
  I'th garu'n ddiwahân.
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Burford (H Purcell 1658-95)
St Peter (R A Reinagle 1799-1877)

O Jesus, impart the lively faith
  Which will make me one with thee;
I in thee, and thou thyself forever
  Abiding in me.

Cause me to be a living branch,
  Fruitful continuously;
All my life be praise to my God, -
  This, Jesus, is my request.

Give me the strength of thy life,
  That I never weary:
Grant to feel the virtue of thy dear love
  As a life to strengthen me.

All my life long as one with thee,
  In the strength of thy Holy Spirit,
Bring me into thy home to the host,
  To love thee inseparably.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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