O Iesu'm nerth a'm nawdd

(Awyddfryd y Cristion)
O Iesu! 'm nerth a'm nawdd!
  Fy nghymorth hawdd ei gael,
Mewn hyder deuaf atat Ti,
  Gwrandâwr gweddiau'r gwaed:
Dysgwyliaf wrth dy borth
  Am gymorth yn ddi-feth,
I allu gwneuthur yn ddi-lys
  D'ewyllys yn mhob peth.

Mae arnaf eisieu'n wir
  Cael golwg glir yn glau,
A gwel'd y drwg oddi yma draw,
  Pan fo ger llaw'n nesâu:
Nerth hefyd i barhau
  Yn ffyddlawn ddyddiau f'oes,
I ddyoddef pobpeth er dy fwyn,
  Heb rwgnach dwyn dy groes.
David Jones 1805-68

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Amana (1880 J H Roberts)
Diademata (J G Elvey 1816-1893)

(The earnest desire of the Christian)
O Jesus my strength and my refuge!
  My support easily gotten,
In confidence I will come to Thee,
  Hearer of the prayers of the blood:
I wait for thy sustenance
  For unfailing support,
To enable to do constantly
  Thy will in every thing.

I have a need truly
  To get a clear view quickly,
And see the evil yonder away from here,
  Whenever it is at hand approaching:
Strength also to continue
  Faithful the days of my life,
To suffer everything for thy sake,
  Without grumbling to carry the cross.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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