O Iesu mawr ein Harglwydd ni
O Iesu mawr f'anwylyd cu

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,4.
(Undeb yn ddymunol)
O Iesu mawr f'anwylyd cu,
Dedwyddwch llawn dy
    blant wyt ti;
  Os gofyn 'rwyf 'nawr wrth dy fodd,
  O clyw, cyfranna'r sanctaidd rodd.

Ymhlith dy blant dymunwn fod,
O fewn dy eglwys dan dy nōd;
  A sefyll ar dy blaid o hyd,
  Yn ffyddlon tra fw'i yn y byd.

Y sawl y'nt dy ddisgyblion gwir,
Yn caru d'air sancteiddiol būr,
  A disgwyl am gael llwyr ryddhad
  Trwy rinwedd gwiw
      dy werthfawr waed.

Mewn rhwymyn cariad, gwna hwy'n un,
I'th būr was'naethu yn gyttūn;
  Fel tystion cadarn dros eu Duw,
  A theyrnas gras
      yr Iesu gwiw.

Ymhlith y rhai'n, mewn pura hedd,
Dymunwn fo 'gael
    profi'th hedd;
  A threulio 'nyddiau oll i ma's,
  I ddisgwyl yn nghynteddau'th ras.

Hiraeth a chwŷn fy enaid gwan
O Iesu clyw, bydd ar fy rhan;
  A dywed wrthyf y caf fyw,
  A marw ymhlith dy eglwys wiw.
f'anwylyd cu :: ein Harglwydd ni
gofyn 'rwyf 'nawr :: gofyn 'rydwyf
fw'i :: b'wyf
hwy'n un :: ni'n un
cadarn :: ffyddlon
eu Duw :: ein Duw

cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tonau [MH 8888]:
St Cadfan (<1876)
Wareham (William Knapp 1798-1868)

(Unity as desirable)
O great Jesus my dear beloved,
The full happiness of thy
    children art thou;
  If I ask now by thy pleasure,
  O hear, impart the sacred gift.

Amongst thy children I would ask to be,
Within thy church under thy mark;
  And stand on thy side always,
  Faithful while ever I am in the world.

Such are thy true disciples,
Loving thy pure sacred word,
  And wait to get complete freedom
  Through the true virtue
      of thy precious blood.

In bonds of love, make them one,
For thy pure service in agreement;
  Like firm witnesses for their God,
  And the kingdom of the grace
      of the worthy Jesus.

Among such in purest peace,
I would ask to be getting
    an experience of thy peace;
  And spend out all my days,
  To wait in the courts of thy grace.

The longing and complaint of my weak soul
O Jesus, hear, be on my side;
  And tell me that I may live,
  And die amongst thy worthy church.
my dear beloved :: our Lord
I ask now :: I ask
them one :: us one
firm :: faithful
their God :: our God

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion



Charles Wesley 1707-88

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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