O Iesu mawr pwy ond tydi?

(Ar fythgofiadwy Fryn)
O Iesu mawr, pwy ond tydi
Allasai farw drosom ni
A'n dwyn o warth i fythol fri?
  Pwy all anghofio hyn?

Doed myrdd ar fyrdd
    o bob rhyw ddawn
I gydfawrhau
    d'anfeidrol Iawn,
Y gwaith gyflawnaist un prynhawn
  Ar fythgofiadwy fryn.

Nid yw y greadigaeth faith
Na'th holl arwyddion gwyrthiol chwaith
Yn gytbwys â'th achubol waith
  Yn marw i ni gael byw.

Rhyfeddod heb heneiddio mwy
Fydd hanes mawr dy farwol glwy';
Ni threiddia tragwyddoldeb drwy
  Ddyfnderoedd cariad Duw.
William Abrose (Emrys) 1813-73

Tonau [8886]:
Addfwynder (Dan Jones 1886- )
Dansam (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
Gwyneth (John Price 1857-1930)
Leeds (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Misericordia (Henry Smart 1813-79)
    (William Hughes [Alaw Manod] 1847-1912)
Vedrelle (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-1960)

Tôn [8886D]: Beulah (alaw Gymreig)

(On the ever-memorable Hill)
O great Jesus, who but thee
Could have died for us
And lead us from disgrace to eternity above?
  Who can forget this?

Let myriad after myriad
    of every kind of talent come
To magnify together
    thy immeasurable Atonement,
The work thou didst fulfil one afternoon
  On an ever-memorable hill.

The vast creation is not
Nor all thy miraculous signs either
Equal to thy saving work
  In dying that we might live.

A wonder without ageing henceforth
Will be the great story of thy mortal wound;
Eternity will not penetrate through
  The depths of God's love.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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