O Iesu yn fy mynwes dod

Thou Jesu thou my breast inspire

(Y Gwas Ffyddlon)
O! Iesu, yn fy mynwes dod
Ddymuniad am roi i maes dy glod;
  Gollwng fy nhafod caeth yn rhydd
  I deaethu'r mawredd ynot sydd;
Ac yna, i drigolion byd,
Trugaredd fydd fy nghân i gyd.

Dymunwn brynu'r amser drud,
A byw i ddangos Crist i'r byd;
  Gan dreulio 'mywyd dros y llu
  Sydd heb adnabod Iesu cu;
A dwyn trueiniaid gwael y llawr
Dan rym y genadwri fawr.

Yn gywir dyst gad imi fod,
O! Iesu, beunydd er dy glod;
  Rho imi nerth i lenwi'r lle
  A drefnwyd imi is y ne';
A gwneud d'weyllys hyd fy medd,
Fel byddo imi fyd o hedd.
cyf. Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol Newydd 1921

Tonau [888888]:
    Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81)
    Melita (J B Dykes 1823-76)
    Stella (alaw Seisnig)

(The Faithful Servant)
O Jesus, in my breast put
A wish to set forth thy praise;
  To loose my captive tongue free
  To expound the majesty which is in thee;
And then, for the inhabitants of the world,
Mercy shall be all my song.

I would wish to redeem the precious time,
And live to show Christ to the world;
  Spending my life for the host
  Who do not know my dear Jesus;
And lead the wretched poor of the earth
Under the force of the great mission.

Truly a witness let me be,
O Jesus, daily for thy praise;
  Give me strength to fill the place
  Appointed for me under heaven;
And do thy will as far as my grave,
Thus may there be for me a world of peace.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Thou, Jesu, thou my breast inspire,
And touch my lips with hallowed fire,
  And loose a stammering infant's tongue;
Prepare the vessel of thy grace,
Adorn me with the robes of praise,
  And mercy shall be all my song.

Mercy for all who know not God, [*]
Mercy for all in Jesu's blood,
  Mercy, that earth and heaven transcends;
Love, that o'erwhelms the saints in light,
The length, and breadth, and depth, and height
  Of love divine, which never ends!

A faithful witness of thy grace,
Well may I fill the allotted space,
  And answer all thy great design;
Walk in the works by thee prepared;
And find annexed the vast reward,
  The crown of righteousness divine.

When I have lived to thee alone,
Pronounce the welcome word, "Well done!"
  And let me take my place above;
Enter into my Master's joy,
And all eternity employ
  In praise, and ecstasy, and love.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns and Sacred Poems 1749

Tune [888888]: Stamford (Samuel Reay 1822-1905)

[*] see also:

I would the precious time redeem,
  And longer live for this alone;
To spend and to be spent for them,
  Who have not yet my Saviour known:
Fully on these my mission prove,
And only breathe to breathe thy love.
from Give me the faith which can remove
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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