O moes dy law 'r Iorddonen mae

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;  1,2,4,6,7,8,9.
(Gweddi am Gyflawniad o Addewidion)
O moes dy law, 'r Iorddonen mae
  Yn pledio 'dai ddim trwyddi;
Wrth wel'd y dyfnder fy'n y dw'r
  'Rwy'n ofni'n siwr a foddi.

O fewn dy air d'wedaist yn llyn
  (Dy air fydd yn wirionedd)
Mai Iesu wyt', y caem ryw ddydd
  I fyn'd yn rhydd o'n camwedd.

Dywedaist, os ait
    y d'allu cry'
  I godi tŷ it' dy hunan,
Ait' ag e' i ben,
    can's llwydo wnai
  Y man y mae dy amcan.

Dywedaist na chai neb o dy blant
  Eu dwyn i bant o'th ddwylo;
Cedwit y rhei'ny oll rhag brad
  Ro'wd gan y Tad
      i'w safio.

Y galon garreg gyndyn sâl
  Gâd i ni gael ei newid;
Y galon gîg rho i ni'n frau,
  Cans felly mae dy 'ddewid.

Dywedaist iacheit
    trwy rym dy ras
  Ein hatgas wrthgiliadau;
Cerit ni'n rhad,
    diffoddwyd llid,
  Er maint eu gyd
      yw'n beiau.

Cyflawna rhai'n yn awr mewn pryd;
  'Rwy'n ceisio o hyd i'w credu,
A'u cymhwyso at fy hun a wnawn,
  Ond f'enaid cawn yn pallu.

Dy ddyfroedd gloyw sy
    arnai chwant,
  Mae'n tynnu bant ofnidiau;
A'r hwn a yfo
    waed yr Oen,
  Ni theimla boen cystuddiau.

Mi bwysaf arnat' etto'n nes;
  Pwy les im' ddigalonni?
Dy faith drugaredd di erioed
  Nid oes dim darfod arni.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: B'le tro'f fy wyneb Arglwydd cu

(Prayer for the Fulfilment of Promises)
O give thy hand, the Jordan is
  Claiming I should not go through it;
On seeing the depth there is in the water
  I am fearing I surely shall drown.

Within thy word thou didst say thus
  (Thy word is truth)
That Jesus thou art, we may get some day
  To go free from our transgression.

Thou didst say, if thy
    strong power should go
  To raise a house for thyself,
Thou wouldst bring it to completion,
    since succeed would
  The place where thy purpose is.

Thou didst say that none of thy children
  Would be taken above from thy hands;
Thou shalt keep them all from treachery
  That are given by the
      Father to be saved.

The stubborn, sick, heart of stone
  Let us get exchanged;
The heart of flesh give to us quickly,
  Since thus is thy promise.

Thou didst say thou wouldst heal
    through the force of thy grace
  Our detested backslidings;
Thou wouldst love us freely,
    wrath was extinguished
  Despite how great altogether
      are our faults.

Fulfill them now in time;
  I am still seeking to believe them,
And apply them to myself I would,
  But my soul I would find fading.

Thy shining waters which are
    a desire upon me,
  It is taking away my fears;
And he who would drink
    the blood of the Lamb,
  Shall not feel the pain of afflictions.

I shall lean upon thee still closer;
  What benefit is losing heart to me?
Thy vast mercy never
  Showed any sign of fading.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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