O molwch y Jehofa'n llon

(Molwch yr Arglwydd)
O molwch y Jehofa'n llon,
  Ei weision ef molienwch;
Rhowch fawl i'w enw Ef o hyd,
  Ac iddo'n hyfryd cenwch.

Molianus fyddo enw da
  Jehofa o haul godiad:
Clodforwch Ef drwy'r dydd yn llwyr,
  Ac hyd yr hwyr fachludiad.

Efe wna'r anmhlantadwy'n llu
  I gadw tŷ o'r gwycha';
Yn llawen fam i blant heb ri';
  Canmolwch chwi Jehofa.
Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen & Jones) 1868

Tôn [MS 8787]:
    Sabbath (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)

(Praise ye the Lord)
O praise ye Jehovah cheerfully,
  His servants, praise ye him;
Render praise to his Name always,
  And to him delightfully sing!

Praised be the good name
  Of Jehovah, from the rising sun:
Extol ye Him through the day entirely,
  And until the evening sunset.

He will make the childlessas a host
  Keep a house of the most brilliant;
A cheerful mother to children without number;
  Extol ye Jehovah!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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