O molwch yr Arglwydd o'r nef

(Salm cxlviii 1-13)
O molwch yr Arglwydd o'r nef!
  Rhowch lef o'r uchel leoedd;
Molwch chwi, holl angylion nef,
  Molwch ef ei holl luoedd.

Yr haul, a'r lleuad, a'r holl sêr,
  Y gloewder, a'r goleuni,
Nef y nefoedd, a'r ffurfafen,
  A'r deifr uwch ben y rheini.

Moliannant enw'r Arglwydd nef,
  Hwynt â'i air ef a wnaethpwyd;
D'wedodd y gair, a hwy fel hyn
  Ar ei orchymyn grewyd.

Rhoes reol iddynt i barhau
  Fel deddfau byth i'w dilyn;
Rhoes bob peth yn ei le'n ddios,
  Nad elo dros ei derfyn.

Molwch yr Arglwydd o'r ddaear,
  Chwychwi ystrywgar ddreigiau;
Y tân, y cenllysg, eira, a tharth,
  A'r gwynt o bob parth yntau.

Mynyddoedd, bryniau, ffrwythlawn wŷdd
  A'r tirion gedrwydd brigog,
'Nifeiliaid a'r ymlusgiaid maes,
  Ac adar llaes asgellog.

Brenhinoedd daear, barnwyr byd,
  Swyddwyr, ynghyd â'r bobloedd,
Yr ieuaingc yn eu nerth, gwŷr hen,
  Pob bachgen yn mhob oesoedd.

Molant ei enw ef ynghyd,
  Uchel a hyfryd ydoedd;
Ei enw ef fydd uchel ar
  Y ddaear oll, a'r nefoedd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Mary (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
    Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)

(Psalm 148:1-13)
O praise ye the Lord from heaven!
  Give a cry from the high places;
Praise him, all ye angels of heaven,
  Praise him all ye his hosts.

The sun, and the moon, and all the stars,
  The brightness, and the light,
The heaven of heavens, and the firmament,
  And the waters above those.

They praise the name of the Lord of heaven,
  They who with his word were made;
He spoke the word, and they thus
  At his command were created.

He gave a rule to them to endure
  Like laws forever for them to follow;
He put every thing in its place undoubtedly,
  That it should not go across it boundary.

Praise ye the Lord from the earth,
  Ye crafty dragons;
The fire, the hail, snow, and mist,
  And the wind indeed from every zone.

Mountains, hills, fruitfull trees
  And the tender, spreading cedar,
Animals and the field creepers,
  And carefree, winged birds.

Kings of the earth, judges of the world,
  Officers, together with the peoples,
The young in their strength, old men,
  Every boy in all ages.

They shall praise his name together,
  Loud and delightful they were;
His name shall be high over
  All the earth, and heaven.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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