O mor daionus yw, gwel'd brodyr yn gytun, Mewn hedd yn llon gydfyw, a chariad rhwng pob un; Mae fel yr olew pur i'r pen, Ac fel gwlith Hermon draw o'r nen. Ar ben ein Iesu mawr, yr enaint gwerthfawr gaed; A disgyn hwn i lawr yn beraidd hyd y traed: Dyfera'r olew pur o'r nef, Ar hyd ymylau'i wisgoedd Ef. Un corff, un ysbryd sydd, un Arglwydd i'r holl saint, Un bedydd, ac un ffydd, un gobaith, er bob haint; Er bod yn fynych yma'n drist, Cānt cyd-deyrnasu gyda Christ. Un ydyw'r eglwys oll, tryw'r byd a'r nefoedd wen, A gwelir hi'n ddigoll, ar ddelw Crist ei Phen; Hardd iawn fydd gwedd y dyrfa fawr, Pan ddelo'r saint o lwch y llawr.Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845 [Mesur: 666688] gwelir: Un ydyw'r eglwys oll |
O how good it is, to see brothers in agreement, In peace cheerfully living together, with love between every one; It is like the pure oil to the head, And like the dew of yonder Hermon from the sky. On the head of our great Jesus, is the precious anointing seen; And this flows down sweetly as far as the feet: The pure oil of heaven drips, As far as the hems of His garments. One body, one spirit there is, one Lord for all the saints, One baptism, and one faith, one hope, despite every disease; Although often being sad here, They may get to rule together with Christ. One is all the church, throughout the world and the bright heaven, And she is to be seen complete, in the image of Christ her Head; Very beautiful shall be the countenance of the great throng, When the saints come from the dust of the ground.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |