O mor felys dirion Iesu

O! mor felys, dirion Iesu,
  Yw dy foli Di bob pryd,
Dysg i ni y ffordd i'th garu,
  Megis Un sy'n fwy na'r byd;
Gwasgar rinwedd dy rasusau
  Yn aroglau pêr drwy'r wlad,
Byw yng ngrym eu dylanwadau
  A fo inni'n wir fwynhad.

Cariaist, Iesu,
    'r croesbren garw,
  A chael arno farwol glwy,
Cario'r Groes ac arni'n marw!
  Gad i ninnau'i chario mwy;
Gwylia drosom yn ein hymdaith
  Ar yr yrfa ddyrys hon;
Gad i olau'r nefol obaith
  Mwy dywynnu dan ein bron.
Ben Bowen 1878-1903

Tonau [8787D]:
Hyfryd Lais (John Owen Jones 1876-1962)
Hyfrydol (R H Pritchard 1811-87)

Oh, how sweet, gentle Jesus,
  Is praising Thee on every occasion!
Teach us the way to love thee,
  Like One who is greater than the world;
Scatter the virtue of thy graces
  Smelling sweet throughout the land,
Live in the force of their influences
  And be to us true enjoyment.

Thou didst carry, Jesus,
    the rough wooden cross,
  And get upon it a mortal wound,
Carry the Cross and upon it die!
  Let us also carry it evermore;
Watch over us in our procession
  On this troublesome course;
Let the light of heavenly hope
  Evermore shine under our breast.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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