O mor felys yw'r efengyl

(Gwahoddiadau yr Efengyl)
O mor felys yw'r efengyl!
  Mae'n mynegu'n symyl iawn,
Iachawdwriaeth pechaduriaid -
  Taen ar led y tir yn llawn:
Fel corn arian yn cyhoeddi,
  Blwyddyn Jubili i'r wlad,
Mae yn galw pawb i dderbyn
  Gwerthfawr iachawdwriaeth rad.

Mae anogaeth gref i'r caethion,
  Caiff y cleifion eu hiachau:
Wele'r etifeddiaeth gyflawn
  Wedi cael ei llwyr ryddhau!
Clyw yn awr yr Ysbryd geirwir,
  O! bechadur truan trist!
Yn dy alw tan dy ddolur,
  Gyda chroesaw'n daer at Grist.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tôn [8787D]: Bethany (Henry Smart 1812-79)

(The Invitations of the Gospel)
O how sweet is the gospel!
  It is expressing very simply,
The salvation of sinners -
  Spread abroad the land fully:
Like a silver trumpet announcing,
  The year of Jubilee to the country,
It is calling everyone to receive
  A precious, free salvation.

There is a strong urging for the captives,
  The wounded may get healed:
See the full inheritance
  Having been completely freed!
Hear now the truthful Spirit,
  O wretched, sad sinner!
In thy call under thy hurt,
  With an intense welcome to Christ.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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