O mor hoffus gan yr Iesu

O mor hoffus gan yr Iesu,
    Weled plant yn ufuddhau
O'u calonau i'w rhieni,
    Heb eu digio nâ'u tristâu.
  Mae pob gair neu olwyg sarug,
      Roi'r gan blant
          i'w mam neu' tad
  Nid yn' digio hwy yn unig,
      Ond yn clywfo'r Iesu mad.

Pan oedd Iesu'n dyoddef poenau,
    Fe ofalodd am ei fam,
D'wedodd wrth yr hwn a garaf,
    Am ei gwylied rhag cael cam.
  Ac mae'r Iesu'n awr yn caru
      Plant sy'n hoff
          o'u mam a'u tad,
  Arnynt mae o'r Nef yn craffu,
      Ac yn gwenu mewn boddâd.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912
Y Delyn Aur 1868

Toanu [8787D]:
Bethany (Henry Smart 1813-79)
  [:dr|m :s :fm|r :r] (<1868)

O how fond Jesus is of
    Seeing children submitting
From their hearts to their parents,
    Without angering or saddening them.
  Every word or sour look,
      Given by children
          to their mother or father
  Not angering them alone,
      But wounding worthy Jesus.

When Jesus was suffering pains,
    He cared for his mother,
He told him whom he loved,
    To watch over her against getting harm.
  And Jesus is now loving
      Children who are fond
          of their mother and their father,
  Upon them he is from heaven looking,
      And smiling with satisfaction.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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