O'n plith un eto roed

O'n plith un eto roed
  I orwedd yn y bedd,
Ei wyneb llon ni welir mwy
  Mae'n awr yn wael ei wedd.

Mae'r dosbarth lle y bu
  I'w weld yn wag o'i sedd,
"Ei le ni edwyn mo'no mwy,"
  Mae'n huno yn y bedd.

Ie, "huno'n" dawel mae,
  A'i gwsg sydd felus iawn;
Mae yn y gwely y dodwyd Crist
  Ei hunan un prydnawn.

Nid rhoi ein cyfaill cu
  A wnaed mewn oeraidd gell,
Ond yn y fan lle bu Efe
  Hyd adgyfodiad gwell.

Daw'r Iesu cyn bo hir
  I'w ddwyn i fythol hedd;
Ac yna ni gawn wel'd yn fyw
  Yr un roed yn y bydd.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912
Y Delyn Aur 1868

Tôn [MB 6686]: O'n Plith Un Eto Roed (G F Root)

From amongst us again one was put
  To lie in the grave,
His cheerful face no more to be seen
  It is now of a poor condition.

The class where he was is
  To be seen empty from his seat,
"His place shall not see him any more,"
  He is sleeping in the grave.

Yes, "sleeping" quietly he is,
  And his sleep is very sweet;
He is in the bed Christ was laid
  Himself one afternoon.

Our dear friend was only put
  In a chilly cell,
In the spot where He was,
  Until a better resurrection.

Jesus shall come before long
  To take him to everlasting peace;
And then we shall get to see alive
  The one who was put in the grave.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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