O na allwn tra fawn byw

(Canu am y Gwaed)
O na allwn tra fawn byw
Rodio bellach gyda'm Duw;
  Treulio f'oriau iddo'n llwyr
  O foreddydd hyd yr hwyr!
Iesu Mwyn! y Ceidwad mawr!
Gâd i'm weld dy wedd yn awr;
  Yna, canaf am Dy waed
  Nes meddianuu'r nefol wlad.

Boed i swyn daearol fri
Gilio'n llwyr o'm calon i,
  Agor i mi ddôr mwynhâd
  Perffaith fywyd nefol wlad:
Ffrydiau ein gorfoledd ni
Darddant yn dy gariad di;
  Rhodio'r glannau hyfryd yw
  Tua môr dy hedd, O! Dduw.
1: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
2: cyf. Llawlyfr Moliant 1925, 1930.

Tôn [7777D]: Aberystwyth (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

gwelir: 'Beth sydd imi yn y byd?

(Singing about the blood)
O that I might be able while ever I live
Walk henceforth with my God;
  Spend my hours completely for him
  From morning until evening!
Gentle Jesus, the great Saviour!
Let me see thy countenance now;
  Then, I shall sing about thy blood
  Until possessing the heavenly land.

Let the charm of earthly honour
Retreat completely from my heart,
  Open to me the door of the enjoyment
  Of the perfect life of a heavenly land:
Streams of our rejoicing
Spring forth in thy love;
  Walking the delightful shores is it
  Towards the sea of thy peace, O God!
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Lord, remove the veil away,
Let us see Thyself today:
  Thou who camest from on high,
  For our sins to bleed and die,
Help us now to cast aside
All that would our hearts divide;
  With the Father and the Son,
  Let Thy living Church be one.

Oh, from earthly cares set free,
Let us find our rest in Thee;
  May our toils and conflicts cease
  In the calm of Sabbath peace;
That Thy people here below
Something of the bliss may know,
  Something of the rest and love,
  In the Sabbath-home above.
tr. Jane L Borthwick 1813-97

from the German
Zeige dich uns ohne Hülle

1769 Friedrich G Klopstocke 1724-1803

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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